ESPN backtracks on the Robert Lee reassignment (link)

Wow, he must be worried if he chose to do a Pitt game instead. I guess he figures that since no one will be at that game, and most in attendance will leave at the half with Pitt losing... that he is much safer.

I'm worried that he could actually be putting himself in more harms way, Pitt fans don't like those who are different than them.
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Good lord... I need to short Disney stock. John Skipper is absolutely clueless! I guess he's never heard of the "Streisand Effect". Social hectoring and trolling? Oh ya, that's totally not going to happen now.
I feel bad for the guy. He was in a classic Catch-22. Do the game and people troll you once they find out your name is Robert Lee AND you're doing a game in Charlottesville, VA AND you're Asian...come on. Get reassigned see what transpires as well.
I feel bad for the guy. He was in a classic Catch-22. Do the game and people troll you once they find out your name is Robert Lee AND you're doing a game in Charlottesville, VA AND you're Asian...come on. Get reassigned see what transpires as well.

unfortunately, everyone is getting on their high horse to say how this is PC run amok and trash ESPN. I have no love for ESPN, but for people who consistently mock "snowflakes" needing "safe spaces", they sure as hell brought a lot of snarky, conceited, faux outrage to the table.

just sayin . . .
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I feel bad for the guy. He was in a classic Catch-22. Do the game and people troll you once they find out your name is Robert Lee AND you're doing a game in Charlottesville, VA AND you're Asian...come on. Get reassigned see what transpires as well.

Who exactly was going to troll the guy for announcing a football game? Let's start there.
Who exactly was going to troll the guy for announcing a football game? Let's start there.

The 21 miles shorter Google says it is from Pittsburgh to Albany compared to Charlottesville to Albany clearly tilted the scales.

The distance is irrelevant. Pitt game is Saturday afternoon, the Va Tech game is Sunday night. The article says he wants to be with his family Saturday night which he couldn't do if he had an out of town game the next day.
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Who exactly was going to troll the guy for announcing a football game? Let's start there.

You're kidding, right? You don't think an Asian guy named Robert Lee doing sideline reporting in Charlottesville wouldn't have been trolled mercilessly on the internet, esp. by white supremacists and others just looking to make a joke? Look at what has transpired just because he was reassigned to a different game.
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You're kidding, right? You don't think an Asian guy named Robert Lee doing sideline reporting in Charlottesville wouldn't have been trolled mercilessly on the internet, esp. by white supremacists and others just looking to make a joke? Look at what has transpired just because he was reassigned to a different game.
No. And no. No one would have ever noticed or cared. ESPN did this to themselves. Accept it.
unfortunately, everyone is getting on their high horse to say how this is PC run amok and trash ESPN. I have no love for ESPN, but for people who consistently mock "snowflakes" needing "safe spaces", they sure as hell brought a lot of snarky, conceited, faux outrage to the table.

just sayin . . .

What I've been wondering since this story broke was what to do about the precedent it establishes. So every minority working at Scott stadium should seek a similar change of venue? Or the employer owning the stadium concession should tell minorities not to show Saturday, saying they've found 'suitable' replacements. How does that advance the argument that Charlottesville is an inclusive city. Just sayin...
What I've been wondering since this story broke was what to do about the precedent it establishes. So every minority working at Scott stadium should seek a similar change of venue? Or the employer owning the stadium concession should tell minorities not to show Saturday, saying they've found 'suitable' replacements. How does that advance the argument that Charlottesville is an inclusive city. Just sayin...

I'm not sure I understand your argument
Seriously? No one?

wake up.

It's for sure an awful coincidence and people already forget someone was murdered at the rally/protest. If ESPN wanted to get ahead of the trolling, they could have had Lee read a statement or something at the beginning of the broadcast or not address it at all. Now everyone is blasting them and it's been made a much bigger deal than it actually is.
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It's for sure an awful coincidence and people already forget someone was murdered at the rally/protest. If ESPN wanted to get ahead of the trolling, they could have had Lee read a statement or something at the beginning of the broadcast or not address it at all. Now everyone is blasting them and it's been made a much bigger deal than it actually is.

Totally agree. To suggest nobody would have noticed is absurd. People definitely would have trolled. So adddress the fact that Robert Lee the Asian guy is doing a game tactfully (somehow) and take the punch out of the punchlines. Lob the stupid joke, hardy har har and move on. Act like adults.
would there be joksters? probably. But they'd need to be really funny to get much traction on something so serious. And then fizzle. Done.
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