Football ESPN's FPI predicts Penn State's 2024 schedule

All these, unbiased, projections show what we should be able to accomplish this year with the roster we have and our schedule. People need to stop trying to make some teams on that schedule better than they are. Any loss other than Ohio State and USC is a huge disappointment and shouldn't be even something we're considering happening.
11-1 is what this team should accomplish if we're coached well--12-0 if Franklin takes the next step and we beat possibly our only opponent who will be ranked this year after the season.
81% chance to win at Wisconsin? How bad are the Badgers expected to be this year?
81% chance to win at Wisconsin? How bad are the Badgers expected to be this year?
Basically on par with WVU...mediocre 5-8 wins and they only have about a 20% chance because it's at home.
What the real question is "how good is Penn State supposed to be?" considering Ohio State is basically a pick em and USC will likely trend higher as the year goes on
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