FC: Charles Bronson reborn in Bucks County, PA - my last FC for the day

Justice will certainly be served in this instance.
The civilian that took the shot will have several violations & charges brought by the local and perhaps the state police, fined and maybe do some jail time while the criminal will also bring a grievance and court proceedings against the civilian do-gooder.

Everybody wins :(
The homeowner should be considered a hero and if I was on a jury judging him on any charges against him, I would vote innocent.
The homeowner should be considered a hero and if I was on a jury judging him on any charges against him, I would vote innocent.
Many would agree with you. Not sure the DA will. Obviously a sketchy report. Anyway, real curious to see how this one plays out.
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Sadly, the chance that the homeowner will receive a higher penalty than the perpetrator of this crime is almost assured. Speaks volumes about the upside-down status of some of the laws in our county. I'm sure there are dozens of ambulance-chasing lawyers lining-up to represent the scumbag in some future litigation against to victim.
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The shooter needs to spend a long time in jail -- if only to send a strong message to the numskulls who think that this behavior could ever possibly be justified. The only time you get to shoot someone is when lives are in danger -- period. This is not justice, it is lawlessness.
We don't live in the movies...hard as that is from some to believe.

I was brought up to leave law enforcement to law enforcement, and to not recklessly endanger others while trying to be a hero in my own mind.
Many would agree with you. Not sure the DA will. Obviously a sketchy report. Anyway, real curious to see how this one plays out.

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Police in suburban Philadelphia say a good Samaritan with a gun helped an officer who was being attacked by a group of teens.

Upper Darby Police Superintendent Michael Chitwood tells The Philadelphia Inquirer ( ) about 40 teens were threatening the officer after he broke up a fight near Upper Darby High School on Friday. Two males began attacking him.

Chitwood says that's when a neighbor with a gun came out of his house and told the teens to back off. He says the man didn't point the weapon at anyone, but held it by his side. That was enough to hold the crowd off until police backup arrived. Two officers were injured.

Police responded to three fights near the school on Friday afternoon, and eight teens were charged with crimes.
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PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Police in suburban Philadelphia say a good Samaritan with a gun helped an officer who was being attacked by a group of teens.

Upper Darby Police Superintendent Michael Chitwood tells The Philadelphia Inquirer ( ) about 40 teens were threatening the officer after he broke up a fight near Upper Darby High School on Friday. Two males began attacking him.

Chitwood says that's when a neighbor with a gun came out of his house and told the teens to back off. He says the man didn't point the weapon at anyone, but held it by his side. That was enough to hold the crowd off until police backup arrived. Two officers were injured.

Police responded to three fights near the school on Friday afternoon, and eight teens were charged with crimes.
I remember that. Good man. I hope that he's safe in that neighborhood. Would be a tense living situation. No good deed goes unpunished.
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The shooter needs to spend a long time in jail -- if only to send a strong message to the numskulls who think that this behavior could ever possibly be justified. The only time you get to shoot someone is when lives are in danger -- period. This is not justice, it is lawlessness.
Regardless of what you may see on television, many police departments have regulations which prohibit shooting at a moving vehicle. The reasons are obvious. 1) It's harder to hit a moving target so the chances of a stray bullet hitting an innocent person are higher. 2) If the driver is incapacitated there will be a one and a half ton piece of unguided machinery which could easily strike an innocent bystander. The list can go on. Obviously there are some instances in which shooting the driver is the only option if it's reasonably believed he will kill or seriously injure another person if he isn't stopped immediately.

The homeowner should have gotten a description and followed at a safe distance. He may very well get a stiffer sentence than the thief but the fact he was a victim himself doesn't mean he can go berserk and endanger the lives of innocent people.
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