FC- FSU qb apparently punched woman in bar


Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2010
ESPN story attached. For those not wanting to give them clicks- he's a true freshman qb (Johnson) who apparently punched this girl in the face when she cut in front of him while waiting to order drinks.

Now, beside the underage drinking aspect (which I know happens everywhere)- the Tallahassee police were called to the bar and treated the woman as well as took witness statements confirming her story. The FSU qb had apparently left before the police arrived.

The Tallahassee police have not talked to him yet (this happened Wednesday night). They did release a report that apparently redacted the name of the qb and witness but put the victim's name out in public as hers was not redacted. FSU has suspended him 'indefinitely'. Interesting times in Tallahassee. ;)
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ESPN story attached. For those not wanting to give them clicks- he's a true freshman qb (Johnson) who apparently punched this girl in the face when she cut in front of him while waiting to order drinks.

Now, beside the underage drinking aspect (which I know happens everywhere)- the Tallahassee police were called to the bar and treated the woman as well as took witness statements confirming her story. The FSU qb had apparently left before the police arrived.

The Tallahassee police have not talked to him yet (this happened Wednesday night). They did release a report that apparently redacted the name of the qb and witness but put the victim's name out in public as hers was not redacted. FSU has suspended him 'indefinitely'. Interesting times in Tallahassee. ;)

Not to worry RentechCEO, or whatever handle the douche is going by, should be here any moment to explain to us what a fine citizen this young man is and that the fine people of Tallahasse and their police force will show this immoral accuser is simply out to profit off of, and destroy, this fine young man's reputation....and you have no standing to post such a thing because you're a PSU fan and Judge Fact-Freeh said...blah, blah, blah...yada, yada, yada.... Rinse & repeat a thousand times making BS false claims over and over....
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