FC: Minnesota athletic director resigns after diabolical sexts to staff

Wow. What the hell was he thinking....? I feel badly for his family .
I'm embarrassed that I read down to the bottom and saw what he put out there. Man, people can do some pretty stupid stuff when they're drunk.
The man is a sick unit. Acknowledging and receiving alcohol abuse counciling is just the tip of the iceberg for this nutcase.
I will say this for him, he owned up to it and is takng his punishment.
I can't believe that his pick up lines didn't work... I thought my "I want you bad" back in the day was magic, but I never thought of going all Penthouse Forum in my pick up lines.
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Scroll down to read messages. Seemed pretty harmless at first, but escalated quickly!

No defense and no excuse. Norwood is having problems and its been an ongoing thing according to those who know him. He did great work at VCU in particular and gained some notoriety in college athletics circles. But he clearly lost his sense and most likely its about alcohol. A couple of people I know that know him from his marketing days mentioned that he worked and drank too hard even back in the day. I only met him once at a NCAA regional -- seemed friendly enough and outgoing - typical marketer.
Teague took this to mean live sext chat

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