fc On Tom Bradley being Yoda....

My new favorite team from the Pac 10

And they have the second best looking uniforms in the country.
No doubt that I've now subscribed to the UCLA fan club. Scrap is

a great guy and I know that he will do well out there. Too bad I'm in bed before a lot of the PAC12 games end.
I'm very interested to see what kind of D he runs out there. Is he going to be aggressive or stick the bend but don't break defense. Plus he is out there in a conference that generally has really good QB's who can pick apart D's(thoug I'm not sure who the Pac 10 is bringing back this year). So it should be interesting.
Mora's building a power. They are going to be title contenders the next few years. So happy that Bradley/Yoda got a job that high profile. Always wanted him to get a head job somewhere but as it is he is one of the better ones doing what he does.

Great guy and coach he is, mmm.