FC OT. Flag Giada 'hanging' out on the food channel

When are the networks going to get it? Aaron Spelling knew what he was doing. He would have a show with hot girls and zero talent and he made a billion dollars.

The food networks, news, whatever could for the most part have the worst product but if they have really hot girls and guys will still watch. WTF? Why is their so little cleavage on the nightly news?
When are the networks going to get it? Aaron Spelling knew what he was doing. He would have a show with hot girls and zero talent and he made a billion dollars.

The food networks, news, whatever could for the most part have the worst product but if they have really hot girls and guys will still watch. WTF? Why is their so little cleavage on the nightly news?
The Mexicans have it down to a science. Chicas Bonitas all over the place - doing weather, on reality shows, as sidekicks for game show hosts, etc.

She’s basically a mammary-endowed slut who can cook.

She cheated on her husband by sleeping with none other than ....John Mayer at the Beverly Hills Hotel, which my wife and I thought was “dumpy” relative to what they charge.
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She’s basically a mammary-endowed slut who can cook.

She cheated on her husband by sleeping with none other than ....John Mayer at the Beverly Hills Hotel, which my wife and I thought was “dumpy” relative to what they charge.
She’s a slut because you read a rumor that has been denied by all parties? Sounds a little too much like “guilty until proven innocent” for my taste.
You could attach big bags of “tuck ‘em in with your belt” boobs on Pee-Wee Herman..... and, I swear, 3/4 of the folks on this Board would be going ga-ga and drooling on their keyboards.
while that is true, she's not that
While not having any first hand knowledge of Giada, they absolutely do not have the appearance of silicone. Silicone tends to defy gravity, while the real thing seems to be waiting to spring loose at any moment.
"first hand knowledge" -- I see what you did there. :)