FC/OT: So, is the NCAA going to do *anything* about UNC?



Or did they do something and I missed it? More awesome details about 'student athletes' and their test scores are emerging...

From USAToday:

An e-mail was found by WFMY in which a TA wrote to the former associate director of the academic support program. The TA typed:

“I want to let you know that I passed all your football players. Most of them actually passed on their own. (name withheld) and (name withheld) were the only two that had averages below 60% but I gave them both a D.”

The TA also wrote that two players had “suspiciously similar exams” and “may have also been passing a calculator back and forth during the exam, which is certainly not allowed.”

What is it you want them to do?? Nothing to see here, now move along.
Didn't you hear? Emmert was so pissed at UNC that he nailed UNC Greensboro and Ashville with 5 yrs probation and Roy Williams is suspended from coaching any games against those schools. Those schools also must vacate the 20+ wins they had in the past 10 seasons.
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From what I understand Emmert and his crack staff are checking out the brothels at the Univ Of Louisville....see if those bimbo's charges have any facts to them!!!
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Or did they do something and I missed it? More awesome details about 'student athletes' and their test scores are emerging...

From USAToday:

An e-mail was found by WFMY in which a TA wrote to the former associate director of the academic support program. The TA typed:

“I want to let you know that I passed all your football players. Most of them actually passed on their own. (name withheld) and (name withheld) were the only two that had averages below 60% but I gave them both a D.”

The TA also wrote that two players had “suspiciously similar exams” and “may have also been passing a calculator back and forth during the exam, which is certainly not allowed.”


They are stuck. The would have to admit that student-athletes in big time sports is a farce at 99.9% of the member schools. Tough situation. Perhaps they should call Louis Freeh?
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Or did they do something and I missed it? More awesome details about 'student athletes' and their test scores are emerging...

From USAToday:

An e-mail was found by WFMY in which a TA wrote to the former associate director of the academic support program. The TA typed:

“I want to let you know that I passed all your football players. Most of them actually passed on their own. (name withheld) and (name withheld) were the only two that had averages below 60% but I gave them both a D.”

The TA also wrote that two players had “suspiciously similar exams” and “may have also been passing a calculator back and forth during the exam, which is certainly not allowed.”


Oh you want them to do something where Academic Fraud actually provided a substantial COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE ON THE FIELD OF PLAY by allowing UNC to play FRAUDULENT "student"-athletes? Well that's well within the NCAA's direct mandate (unlike the Sandusky Affair which was outside there jurisdiction, had nothing to do with academics or gaining a competitive advantage on the field of play and should have been left to Law Enforcement Authorities to handle) so fully expect that they will do nothing and claim it is up to the school whether they wish to commit Academic Fraud or not, cheat or not, etc....??? That's the "Through the Looking Glass" upside down world of the NCAA - truly pathetic.
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Besides...universities creating classes that dont really exist so that athletes can make $$$ for said university is not an NCAA problem. Just good business sense on behalf of the said university...especially if non-athletes are allowed to take such courses...
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Or did they do something and I missed it? More awesome details about 'student athletes' and their test scores are emerging...

From USAToday:

An e-mail was found by WFMY in which a TA wrote to the former associate director of the academic support program. The TA typed:

“I want to let you know that I passed all your football players. Most of them actually passed on their own. (name withheld) and (name withheld) were the only two that had averages below 60% but I gave them both a D.”

The TA also wrote that two players had “suspiciously similar exams” and “may have also been passing a calculator back and forth during the exam, which is certainly not allowed.”


No. According to Emmert and NCAA logic it's ok for them to pass all their athletes who failed and not look into cheating with calculators as long as they allow non athletes to cheat with calculators too. o_O It's absolutely crazy the degree of foot dragging hoping everyone forgets about UNC.

IIRC the NCAA sent their findings to UNC who has a few months to respond. UNC has kept it all quiet which is unusual in that someone usually spills parts of the proposed penalties by now.
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Or did they do something and I missed it? More awesome details about 'student athletes' and their test scores are emerging...

From USAToday:

An e-mail was found by WFMY in which a TA wrote to the former associate director of the academic support program. The TA typed:

“I want to let you know that I passed all your football players. Most of them actually passed on their own. (name withheld) and (name withheld) were the only two that had averages below 60% but I gave them both a D.”

The TA also wrote that two players had “suspiciously similar exams” and “may have also been passing a calculator back and forth during the exam, which is certainly not allowed.”


ESPN President John Skipper is a UNC alum, so the answer is no, the NCAA is never going to do anything about UNC's cheating.
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The NCAA has already stated NO ONE will be punished like Penn State ever again. That fart came out of Emmert's ass when the "penalties" were reduced.
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Or did they do something and I missed it? More awesome details about 'student athletes' and their test scores are emerging...

In August, 2015 UNC announced they had come up with evidence of additional violations (in women's basketball) that they reported to the NCAA. Under procedures, UNC then got additional time to review the new allegations, the NCAA would decide whether to amend and re-submit their initial findings, UNC would get additional time to respond, etc. etc. etc.

Current timetable looks like May, 2016 for the NCAA to announce potential sanctions. Which is of course after the 2016 NCAA Basketball tournament.
In August, 2015 UNC announced they had come up with evidence of additional violations (in women's basketball) that they reported to the NCAA. Under procedures, UNC then got additional time to review the new allegations, the NCAA would decide whether to amend and re-submit their initial findings, UNC would get additional time to respond, etc. etc. etc.

Current timetable looks like May, 2016 for the NCAA to announce potential sanctions. Which is of course after the 2016 NCAA Basketball tournament.