FC: Wow Peter Scolari died...

RIP Peter. I actually met him once about 15 years ago. My sister was in a play in New Brunswick NJ where Peter and Dan Lauria were in cast. We went backstage and both were there. Peter was one of nicest people you will ever meet. My sister had a bit part but he stoppped by our group. He said she did great and actually talked to us for several minutes. Dan was pretty unfriendly, like Dad in Wonder Years. Just said hey and kept walking. No smile or anything
One of my favorite shows from the early 80s. Great cast. Telma (Tony Orlando and Dawn) Hopkins, Donna Dixon (Mrs. Dan Akroyd), Holland Taylor (Charlie’s mother in 2.5 Men), Wendy Jo Sperber (RIP) and of course Tom Hanks.
They got a couple of classic episodes out of Bosom Buddies, episodes I can still remember.