I got this email last week from NLWC. They must have somehow got my email from Rokfin which I don't care about but I was surprised nobody posted it as I am no VIP member that gets exclusive info. Hopefully I am not double posting and just missed the original.
Wrestling Fans
New footage has been added to the NLWC Rokfin Channel since the Club's last Rokfin Dual on December 22. If you are already subscribed, be sure to sign in and check it out. For those of you who haven't yet subscribed or maybe subscribed to watch a dual and then unsubscribed after, you can subscribe to the NLWC Rokfin channel at www.rokfin.com/nlwc The subscription costs $9.99 per month. A portion of the proceeds from subscriptions goes to the NLWC. Your subscription also enables you to watch the premium content on all other Rokfin channels, including the duals hosted by other Olympic RTC's.
Currently on the NLWC Rokfin Channel
Wrestling Fans
New footage has been added to the NLWC Rokfin Channel since the Club's last Rokfin Dual on December 22. If you are already subscribed, be sure to sign in and check it out. For those of you who haven't yet subscribed or maybe subscribed to watch a dual and then unsubscribed after, you can subscribe to the NLWC Rokfin channel at www.rokfin.com/nlwc The subscription costs $9.99 per month. A portion of the proceeds from subscriptions goes to the NLWC. Your subscription also enables you to watch the premium content on all other Rokfin channels, including the duals hosted by other Olympic RTC's.
Currently on the NLWC Rokfin Channel
- All of the archived matches from the four dual meets that the NLWC hosted in the fall of 2020. These matches feature many of the world's top wrestlers, and the wrestling is outstanding. You also get the benefit of having the action described by Jeff Byers who has won several national awards for his broadcasts of Penn State Wrestling matches and by two of the best wrestlers in the world in David Taylor (Sept., Oct., and Dec. Duals) and Vincenzo Joseph (Nov. Dual). Jeff, David, Vincenzo are entertaining, and they provide a level of expertise that helps former wrestlers, long-time fans, and even new fans understand and enjoy the action!
- Making Coffee with Zain Retherford. From his kitchen, Zain shows how to make the perfect cup of coffee before sitting down to talk wrestling with Olympic RTC Coach Eric Thompson.
- Marky Mark and the Golden Bear Draft Show Ep. 1 with guests Nick Lee and Vincenzo Joseph. NLWC Olympic RTC Coaches McKnight and Thompson sit down with wrestlers Nick Lee and Vincenzo Joseph to discuss wrestling and all things Christmas.
- Marky Mark and the Golden Bear Draft Show Ep. 2 with special guest Kyle Snyder. In this episode, Coaches McKnight and Thompson are joined by Vincenzo Joseph and Kyle Snyder to discuss their favorite meals.
- Documentary Featuring Thomas Gilman and Kyle Snyder. USA Wrestling sent a large contingent of wrestlers including NLWC wrestlers Thomas Gilman and Kyle Snyder to the Henri Deglane Grand Prix in France from Jan. 15-17. For this trip, a videographer followed Thomas and Kyle as they traveled, prepared, and competed.
- The NLWC plans to host another Rokfin Dual on Feb. 16. Expect to see the NLWC wrestlers in some outstanding match-ups.
- Following in the NLWC's footsteps, the Pennsylvania Regional Training Center (University of Pennsylvania and Drexel) is going to host a Rokfin Event called Summit 1 on January 29. At this event, former Penn State NCAA Champion Mark Hall (competing for the PRTC) will face off against Nate Jackson, a former 2X NCAA All-American who is currently one of the top freestyle wrestlers in the U.S. Also competing in this dual will be the NLWC's Vincenzo Joseph. The 2X NCAA Champion will compete against the PRTC's David McFadden. McFadden was a former 3X All-American for Virginia Tech who was also a U23 Freestyle Champion.