Feminists Sold Their Souls in the '90s
Gloria Steinem is so ticked off that women are abandoning Hillary. And so what is the natural thing for these women to do? They immediately become victims. Hillary's running around like a victim up in New Hampshire. Bill's running around like she's a victim of this mean dog, Bernie Sanders, and Gloria Steinem's running around like Hillary's some poor victim of the right-wing conspiracy.
And then Madeleine Albright goes out there and says there's a special place in hell for women that don't support each other.
This is what I'm talking about. This is Steinem on Friday night, HBO Real Time with Bill Maher. She has since tried to walk this back.
But Maher said to her, "Young women really don't like Hillary. What do you think that's all about, Gloria?"
STEINEM: She does have a huge gender gap and race gap. Women are more for her than men are.
When you're young you're thinking, "Where are the boys?" The boys are with Bernie.
Gloria Steinem is so ticked off that women are abandoning Hillary. And so what is the natural thing for these women to do? They immediately become victims. Hillary's running around like a victim up in New Hampshire. Bill's running around like she's a victim of this mean dog, Bernie Sanders, and Gloria Steinem's running around like Hillary's some poor victim of the right-wing conspiracy.
And then Madeleine Albright goes out there and says there's a special place in hell for women that don't support each other.
This is what I'm talking about. This is Steinem on Friday night, HBO Real Time with Bill Maher. She has since tried to walk this back.
But Maher said to her, "Young women really don't like Hillary. What do you think that's all about, Gloria?"
STEINEM: She does have a huge gender gap and race gap. Women are more for her than men are.
When you're young you're thinking, "Where are the boys?" The boys are with Bernie.