Fencing Update ...

Tom McAndrew

Well-Known Member
May 29, 2001
Today is the final day of competition. The ladies are competing, and have four matches (a round) in the 3 disciplined.

PSU entered the day in 2nd place, behind Columbia.

In Saber, they've completed the last round, and PSUers are in 2nd and 3rd place. Unfortunately for them, the top 4 compete for a champion, with 1 vs. 4, and 2 vs. 3, so the 2 PSU girls will be competing to see which 1 will be in the championship bout.

In Foil, PSU's captain Clarisse Luminet is in 4th place. Notre Dame, Ohio State, St. John's, and Columbia are in 1 thru 4, respectively. Columbia also has a girl in 6th place. Interestingly, Luminet will face the Columbia girl that is' 4th and the Columbia girl that's in 6th in the final round. In fact, she defeated the 6th place girl in OT a short time ago. She could move into 4th place with a successful final round.

In Epee, PSU has a girl in 5th place. Princeton, Cornell, NJIT, and Notre Dame are the schools represented by the girls in 1 thru 4. PSU's girl will face the 1st place girl in the final round. It appears she has a tough final round, so her chances are iffy for finishing in the top 4.

Lastly, the semifinals and finals will be streamed today, at 1:30, on ESP3, for those that are interested.

quick update ...

Sabar finished as I indicated, with 2 PSU ladies facing off in the semis, and Harvard vs ND in the other semi

Foil ended with the PSU lady in 6th place, with ND, Ohio State, Columbia, and St. John's in the semis

Epee ended with the PSU lady in 5th place, with Cornell, NJIT, St. John's and Princeton in the semis

Team race heading into the women's semis is:

1. Columbia
2. PSU
3. Notre Dame
4. Princeton
5. Ohio State
6. St. John's
7. Harvard
8. U. of Penn
9. Duke
10. Stanford
Re: PSU finishes 2nd in team race ... no details on semis or finals ***

Thanks for the updates Tom.

Now, about your Flyers,........................................................................

Final Update ...

In Saber, as indicated PSU had the #2 and the #3 girl, so they faced off in one semi. The freshman, Karen Chang, won the semi. In the other semi, The #4 girl from Notre Dame bested the #1 girl from Harvard. In the finals, the Notre Dame girl won. So PSU got a gold in the men's saber, and a silver in the women's saber.

in Foil, PSU's ladies finished 6th and 14th, and as such did not participate in the semis or finals. The girl that finished 1st in the regular competition narrowly bested the girl from Columbia in the finals. So PSU got a silver in men's foil and nothing in women's foil.

In Epee, PSU only qualified 1 women. She had the misfortune of finishing 5th after the regular sessions, and as such was just out of the medalist competition.

Looking at the team race, PSU did really well in men's and women's Saber, They did pretty well in men's Foil and better than most in women's Foil. They did rather poorly in men's Epee (finishing in 15th & 19th out of 24 competitors) and about as well as could be expected with only 1 qualified in women's Epee (finishing 5th out of 24 competitors).

Looking ahead, PSU appears to be in pretty good shape. Of the 11 PSUers that qualified for Nationals, only 2 were seniors - Alina Antokhina (PSU's #2 at women's Foil), David Gomez-Tanamachi (PSU's #2 at men's Foil)

Here's the current class of PSU's medalists:

men's saber (1st place) - freshman Andrew Mackiewicz
men's foil (2nd place) - junior Nobuo Bravo
women's saber (2nd place) - freshman Karen Chang
women's saber (tied for 3rd place) - sophomore Teodora Kakhiani