You have Cortez better than 8th!! You're a Penn State fan!! No surpriseOne reply on 133?
Huh. Personally, I have Cortez better than 8th. I have faith in the "PSU bump", and PSU/NLWC have been gaining a lot of traction at lightweights the last few years.
You have Cortez better than 8th!! You're a Penn State fan!! No surprise.
Without the tinted lenses, good analysis by opinion.
Hoping he has worked hard in the room this summer to improve his offense. He certainly has good partners who can show him the way!
I don't really count his win over Conaway for much, quite honestly. It was early in the season and teammates always have trouble with other teammates.
I think Cortez is really solid but he needs to show that he has more offense than I've seen from him in the past. I worry that he will be one of those wrestlers who has a lot of 2-1 and 3-2 matches. It's difficult to run through the NCAA tournament and medal if you wrestling lots of extremely close, low scoring matches.
If Cortez finishes 8th and Suriano 2nd, as Flo predicts, while it would fall in line with team title EXPECTATIONS, that's not quite quite the individual finishes that the team is EXPECTING
Just curious, are you suggesting that the team expects them to finish higher than 2nd and 8th respectively?
I watched Austin all through high school here in Lake Lehman, as my Grandson wrestled at the same time.
However, while I think that it will be an interesting match with Cortez, I think that Cortez will prevail by major decision.
I would like to take the bus trip to West Point, but it gets back to SC too late.
Austin is doing well in school, and is at about 136 after practice. In the summer he was around 160lbs. He has 2 kids wrestling off with him for 133, but seems confident that he will win the weight class. Great kid, great family.
not counting on an AA finish from Cortez
For some people, every silver lining has a cloud.not counting on an AA finish from Cortez