Flo buying trackwresing?????

I guess NBC decided to divest. Was hoping they'd modernize Track, and they'd become a more legit competetor.
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Can I just make a recommendation to Flo to use the track wrestling bracket formats? It bugs me to no end that you cannot see an entire bracket in the Flo arena. Downloadable PDFs are the best though at least in my opinion.

On the bright side, that is one less wrestling subscription for some people. Between Flo, Rokfin, Track, ESPN +, BTN+, etc.. I don't want a monopoly but I also don't want to have to pick and choose which subscriptions are most worthwhile. I guess until I get richer I am just in a lose/lose situation.
Keep everything the way it is with Track just move it over to Flo and scrap Floarena.With the OPC on Track currently that has to be the plan.Flo lost the college matches so now they will replace those subs with youth parents.
The tournament bracket formats, wrestler profiles and histories and tournament dashboard is much better on TW. Many HS and Youth programs use Track as their official software for season results, weight management, etc. Wonder how long it will take Flo to screw all of that up?
Both need improvements. Arena is great to use for coaches during in tournament use.
If arena had a page to view PDFs it would be awesome.
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Per the Orange County Register today, Flo seems to not be making people happy in other sports as well.

“In announcing a multi-year agreement with FloSports Wednesday, USA Gymnastics CEO Li Li Leung said the partnership “aims to empower athletes” and that the Austin-based paid streaming company “is aligned with our goals of expanding athlete health and wellness resources.”

But the USA Gymnastics agreement with FloSports has sparked widespread outrage within the American gymnastics over a website owned by the company linking to purported nude photos of Olympic champion McKayla Maroney in 2014.”
Per the Orange County Register today, Flo seems to not be making people happy in other sports as well.

“In announcing a multi-year agreement with FloSports Wednesday, USA Gymnastics CEO Li Li Leung said the partnership “aims to empower athletes” and that the Austin-based paid streaming company “is aligned with our goals of expanding athlete health and wellness resources.”

But the USA Gymnastics agreement with FloSports has sparked widespread outrage within the American gymnastics over a website owned by the company linking to purported nude photos of Olympic champion McKayla Maroney in 2014.”
Ooooooof! Paging wrestlingnomad

@smalls103 back in Easton doing his thing on Rokfin and going:

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If they screw up track wrestling I may have to subscribe to rokfin...I used to like flo but they are so subscription happy and nothing is free on their site anymore.
So how will they work the subscriptions? If you currently subscribe to both will there be a credit given?