Foley Friday Mailbag


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Gold Member
Dec 10, 2005
I have to admit this is the first mailbag I actually look forward to seeing and made time early today to read this morning.

Interesting walk back on gilman and many PSU mentions are discussed.

PS - actually suprised after TRs twitter explosion on the Iowa wrestlers being at the trump event he didnt write about that....maybe next week after trump wins/loses the caucus he will comment.....which again I am patiently anticipating that read too.
I have to admit this is the first mailbag I actually look forward to seeing and made time early today to read this morning.

Interesting walk back on gilman and many PSU mentions are discussed.

PS - actually suprised after TRs twitter explosion on the Iowa wrestlers being at the trump event he didnt write about that....maybe next week after trump wins/loses the caucus he will comment.....which again I am patiently anticipating that read too.

Interesting point about Ramos' maturation, which I noticed too watching last night's matches from Yarygin (btw, check out Andrew Howe's second match, easily the most interesting Howe match I've ever seen). I guess Ramos realized that the stare down has zero impact at the international level, especially when you're in the middle of the pack instead of on top.
I have to admit this is the first mailbag I actually look forward to seeing and made time early today to read this morning.

Interesting walk back on gilman and many PSU mentions are discussed.

PS - actually suprised after TRs twitter explosion on the Iowa wrestlers being at the trump event he didnt write about that....maybe next week after trump wins/loses the caucus he will comment.....which again I am patiently anticipating that read too.
Very interesting read.
Interesting read -- I'm just thru the face-mush backtracking so far, and have to challenge Foley on 2 points:

That behavior, which fell in line with some of Gilman's previous on-the-mat indiscretions led to my ask that he cool down the bravado and consider that no wrestler wins the match after the final whistle is blown.
Foley would've been far more convincing last week if he had actually said that. Instead he claimed that Gilman would be a better wrestler if he focused on technique instead, in a way that strongly implied Gilman practices face-mushing at the expense of practicing technique.

The majority of international wrestlers are from underprivileged countries and low socio-economic statuses. When a wrestler from a village in Dagestan wins a gold medal at the World or continental championships he can change the trajectory of his entire family's life. By the time these wrestlers are in the public eye they've been wrestling with sponsorship for nearly ten years, which means they've seen what bad behavior can cost them down the line.
What exactly is a college scholarship, if not a sponsorship (from the university)? If international wrestlers see consequences from sponsors, and college wrestlers do not, then that means the college wrestlers' sponsors -- their coaches and athletics depts -- do not hold them accountable in the same way. (There is a legitimate point about the consequence being greater for a third world villager.)

Or more likely, Foley has built a strawman argument. Has any international wrestler ever lost sponsorship, or even been threatened, due to a face mush? Unless on the receiving end ...
They're still at it!

Looks like 4 swipes on the throw around the 40 second mark, if not a fall.

Would have to see the opposite side view on Flo to be sure of the call.

Good action, except for the obvious fleeing the mat moves.
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