For discussion, missed in yesterdays info. CC on one of Frazier


Well-Known Member
Gold Member
Jan 28, 2004
and Freeh emails was non other than the infamous Sara Ganin. It was about Spany's federal appointment and Freeh taking care of notifying the Feds. Who was involved with all the leaks to Sarah? Was it Frazier, Freeh or a bunch of them.
Whoa. That is actually a huge pick-up.

I imagine Sara is not too comfortable right now.
Hopefully they get her on the stand and she refuses to testify and they

lock her ugly mug up. If I recall in Centre County's kangaroo court, she said she wouldn't testify so they just didn't call her. Hilarious
Are you sure? Ganim's name in in the body of the email as her article

about Spanier working for the feds is linked/refereneced in the email between Frazier, Freeh, and Tomalis, but I don't see her email address entered anywhere.
I read through it quickly last night....

and didn't catch that. Can you point out (roughly) where that one is in the file. TIA
Sorry guys, not a CC but a paste of Sarah Ganin article

pasted to the email. Going through it quickly and I thought it was a cc to her. See pg 79 of the action.
Re: Sorry guys, not a CC but a paste of Sarah Ganin article

Nevertheless, the chain of events is brutally clear and would seem to be a slam dunk for Spanier.

In chronological order:

1) Tomalis:

Copy and paste of Ganim article on Spanier's soon to be fed job with the comment:

"Seems someone might not have done their homework ..."

2) Louis Freeh:

"Very interesting -- we have done our job notifying the Federal prosecutors regarding the latest information."

3) (Down goes) Frazier:

"Oh brother..."

I suppose Freeh could say that Spanier was a threat to the national interest. JK.

This post was edited on 3/19 1:06 PM by mn78psu83