For those that experienced a Penn State summer: What is your favorite summertime activity or memory?

Summer when Beaver stadium North Deck was being built.
My buddy, his gf, myself and a girl I wasn't dating but had been interested in decided to go into the stadium aftercoming home from bars.
We got in easy (just a short fence).
Buddy chose the 50 I chose the goal line.
He finished his business and went to other goal line so I went to 50 with this girl.
She decided no see for me which angered me a little, I mean why did she think we were going to the stadium in the first place.
But I was a gentleman and did not force myself.
Buddy ended up having red on 50 and both goal lines.
I ended up with blue balls, but wait it gets worse.
Walking out, it is dark and I am a little intoxicated. I ended up falling into this huge hole (for the construction) and tore up my knee). Was bleeding everywhere. Was also covered in dirt by the time I got myself out of that hole.
We all got back to our apartment - the Graduate) and I was still bleeding everywhere.
I'll never forget that night.
Whether it was your pre-freshman year or you just stuck around to get into a coveted ESACT class, State College is lovely in summertime.

I have fond memories of
- daytime swimming at the Quarry,
- camping/caving at J4,
- late night swims in Stone Valley (Shaver Creek).
I was on academic probation after my freshman year, primarily because of a roommate who had no interest in academics and made studying difficult. I also broke up with my girlfriend (now my wife) in February and was in a deep funk. My parents said I should stay at school and try to get my grades up. Anyway, I stayed in South Halls for the summer and it was glorious. I had a good roommate and was close to town & Hi Way Pizza (my favorite). I also had a class in which I sat next to a very pretty Junior coed who was especially friendly to me. She was dating some guy from another school so there was no romantic interest on her part, but I was head over heals smitten by this lovely lady. We often talked after class and she gave me a new lease on life. My grades went up and she pulled me back from despair. We kept in touch, off and on, until she graduated and then I lost track of her. The following year (my Junior year) I contacted my old girlfriend, we started dating again, and she eventually became my wife. I am very happily married, but, every now and then, I think back on that wonderful girl who did so much to help me through a difficult time. I pray she is well and happy. I owe her so much.
- Frisbee and watching the girls lay out in the Pollock quad
- Going to the outdoor pool
- Going to Playland
- First experience with grain alcohol and watching Rocky Horror at the movie theater completely drunk
- "Freshmen Orientation" films in the Forum
- Creamery between 2nd and 3rd period
- Dorm and fraternity parties
- IM softball games with guys on my floor
- Being on my own for the first time

Basically the best 10 weeks of my life!
Drinking and girls.
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Grad student in summer of 1992. 4 of us bought summer student season passes for the PSU golf courses. $90 for unlimited play for 3 months. We must have played 60 rounds in 90 days. Tee off everyday at 2pm. Play until dusk and then pitchers on the deck at the cafe 210. It was a fun summer.
For those of us who missed out on that experience, please elaborate.
Train Yard was pretty much the only outdoor bar when I was at school (not sure when Cafe 210 opened) and was behind the Train Station. They had big barrels of hard pretzels, pitchers of Release Valves and (of course) pitchers of beer. You couldn't wait for that first warm Spring day and hear the Yard was open!
I rented room in fraternity( cheap!) and took 9 credits. First coed living experience, brothers lived there too. Worst academic quarter, but so much fun. We had a party 5 of 7 nights each week. Did quarry swimming, whipples, and little studying. Worked sports camps registration for a little money. My summer roommate and I have been lifelong friends and still laugh about our summer at the frat.
MBA '83, intermediate accounting (IA) course - did entire IA book in 10 weeks plus 2 other courses. Probably did accounting at least 5 hours per day, 7 days a week. Liked that campus was so empty compared to school year.
$2 pitchers and 10 cent wings at Cafe 210 on sweltering nights. Very helpful for getting to sleep in a 3rd floor apartment with no AC..
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Don't know if I would rank it as my favorite summertime memory, but my first summer in State College, I had run out of money school and landed a full time job as the third shift manager at the Diner. The 3rd shift crew was quite the motley bunch and we got to know many of the bartenders and bouncers as they would stop in after the bars closed. Of course this meant that on our nights off, we could get into the bars with no cover and usually a free drink as well.

Then there were the after parties.

Wasn't very productive, but it was a lot of fun when you're young and stupid.

Kept that job, and lifestyle for about a year, while also working part time for Penn State and taking classes part time. Ended up getting a better job at Irving's Bagels which made my liver very happy.
Whether it was your pre-freshman year or you just stuck around to get into a coveted ESACT class, State College is lovely in summertime.

I have fond memories of
- daytime swimming at the Quarry,
- camping/caving at J4,
- late night swims in Stone Valley (Shaver Creek).

Obviously Arts Fest was huge, but there was also a really fun event out at Wipple Dam if I remember correctly.
lived in apartment on College Avenue by the McDonalds
visited the Train Station a lot
turned 21 in July - on a Monday, so went out Sunday night at 12:00 with roommates but very little was open; returned on Monday & started on the West side of town and stopped at every bar until made it back to the apartment - was able to officially replace my fake ID with the real thing
took a light class load
golfed a couple times a week
played on a co-ed softball team
had a lot of guests for Arts Festival
ArtsFest 1987 or 1988, not certain - recall it being blistering-hot....

using a three-man slingshot to launch waterballoons out of our attic window toward people partying 300+feet away on the balconies at neighboring Cedarbook.... one Zapruder-film esque moment my friends and i still talk about where one poor co-ed took a head-shot that knocked her back through the (open, thank god) sliding-glass door and into her living room... quite relieved when she reappeared smiling/laughing on the balcony with a fresh beer in her hand about 15sec after disappearing...

Slingshot confiscated by Borough police later that night after some hooligans plinked a patrol car sitting down in front if UniMart :( Still haven't gone down to the station to claim it
I have fond memories of the summer of '89. While walking around the arts fest, my eyes connected with the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. The breeze gently blew her blonde hair, the maroon lipstick shimmering in the sunlight, her blue eyes just entranced me. I'd like to say that I approached her with a suave and sophisticated manner, but in reality I was a bumbling teenage mess. She took pity on me. She wiped the drool from my chin, brushed the hair from my eyes, and smiled. As she took my hand, we spent the day walking and talking, talking and walking. We ended up at the Lion Shrine just as the sun was setting. My heart was racing, my palms were sweaty. I pulled her close, and kissed her lips. After a long sensual kiss, she said "Roy, please take me home and make me feel like a woman". The trip to my apartment seemed to take so long. We got inside the door, and didn't even make it past the kitchen. From there, I granted her wish, and made her feel like a real woman as she cooked me dinner, and massaged my tired feet.
Lived in the fraternity house for a few weeks at the end of summer one year - there were 3 or 4 of us there in a house that could fit 50.

One day the mailman was bitching about dozens of maxi-pad samples he was supposed to deliver, and we talked him into just leaving them with us.

We had an older brother (let's just call him Dan) who was a constant target of abuse - much of it deserved. He was like a Mormon in a sea of heathens.

We eventually broke into his room and stuck about 50 pads everywhere. Once we decorated each w/ a ketchup squirter, our work was done there.

Another week went by and we were all guessing on which brother would return first for fall semester - someone we liked, or someone like Dan. Finally one day a fully loaded family truckster pulls up outside the house w/ 2 parents and brother. It was Dan!

We ran out the back door and circled around, down to the the bars. I don't think we went home for a couple of days after that.
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Our legendary parties at the Commons Apartments in the summer of 92.

I lived there for 3 summers and always enjoyed them more than the school year because there were fewer people, which made it easier to get to know them. Faces just seemed more familiar in the summer and the community felt more intimate.
Whether it was your pre-freshman year or you just stuck around to get into a coveted ESACT class, State College is lovely in summertime.

I have fond memories of
- daytime swimming at the Quarry,
- camping/caving at J4,
- late night swims in Stone Valley (Shaver Creek).

Just enjoying the laid back atmosphere in general. Take a few courses, room with girlfriend in my APT on Fairmount, work a few nights in East Halls [Lione's] supporting the athletic camps, play some golf.
I have told this story at least once before on this board, but the topic fits so here goes again. Late summer of 78, my girl friend (now my wife)and I went on a Saturday night to see a film getting some buzz: Animal House. It must have been their first night out after a hard week of pre-season practice, because the entire football team was there and occupied most of the front rows. They were going crazy, yelling out names of teammates who fit the characters (the name Coder was frequently shouted - not sure if it was Ron on the team that year). Then came the short scene where Larry Kroger and Clorette DePasto "did the dirty deed" (Babs Jansen's terminology) on the football field. We looked at each other and each knew what must be done. After the movie ended, we headed up to Beaver Stadium, which was in the final stages of its first big expansion. There was only a chain link construction fence with a loosely chained gate which was easily squeezed through, and there exactly at midfield we did consummate our love. I am sure many others have done the same over the years, but to be inspired by Animal House and go directly there has endeared the movie (not to mention her) to me in a special way ever since. Whenever Animal House comes on the TV I make sure to watch that scene and drag her in to watch with me.
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Was able to keep my grad assistantship between 1st and 2nd years and only carried 6 credits summer 1977. Dated a teacher in town as well as a girl I knew from my undergrad days in 1970 who stayed in town.

Center County, a motorcycle and a girl made for a great summer.
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Whether it was your pre-freshman year or you just stuck around to get into a coveted ESACT class, State College is lovely in summertime.

I have fond memories of
- daytime swimming at the Quarry,
- camping/caving at J4,
- late night swims in Stone Valley (Shaver Creek).

For those of us that spent a summer in SC during our college aged years, this is one of the best threads ever on this board.
The Arts Fest and then ... the solitude. It's like all school year was a bustle, and then mid-July it was empty. So nice not having to skirt around people and wait in long lines. You could really enjoy the campus.
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I spent two summers at U Park, one working full time and one taking a class or two. Both were great summers. At the end of the spring semester the year I worked for PSU one of my profs asked if anybody wanted a summer job, see him after class. I went up and said I was interested. Nobody else was. They hired another guy in the College of Ag but I didn't know him. We got to be friends. He was in Food Science and has a good job now in the industry. We were working in Stone Valley on a research project for some of the profs in the School of Forest Resources. It was hard physical work, clearcutting and bucking logs over one of the hottest summers I remember. Learned a good skill and got into great shape. Learned a lot that year. Made some friends and some money. Later I got a state job and found those few months counted toward my state retirement which was a nice deferred perk.

Best part was we were on our own and we both worked hard and looked out for each other. We had University vehicles and equipment at our disposal. It was a taste of independence and responsibility I look back on with a lot of satisfaction and it served me well.

The summer I took classes was fun too, but was more a means to an end than a growth experience. I was set to graduate in the fall so it was pretty laid back. Easy classes and warm afternoons after class sitting around sipping some drafts. In hindsight, I enjoyed those summers more than the semesters and the more hectic pace that came with them.