Found these tweets this morning. Concerning the sales of some of Joe's 'questionable' property?


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2012
North East PA, Backmountain area, age 75
Found these tweets this morning. Concerning some of Joe's 'questionable' property? The third article is the Center daily times article. I wonder who supplied the information about destroying the statue!

“The bleeping plaque says 'dedicated to Joe Paterno.' Pretty sure that establishes ownership.” (10 hr ago)
Twitter / Scott Paterno

“You know what else? Penn State claimed they 'lost' Joe's five AFCA COY plaques. I guess I'd better watch eBay.” (10 hr ago)
Twitter / Scott Paterno

“This is truly incredible. In spite of asking to have all JVP personal property returned this was sold.” (10 hr ago)
Twitter / Scott Paterno
I'd settle for a list of people Judas called while he observed the removal of Joe's Statue........trying to remain out of sight inside a Beaver box.
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Found these tweets this morning. Concerning some of Joe's 'questionable' property? The third article is the Center daily times article. I wonder who supplied the information about destroying the statue!

“The bleeping plaque says 'dedicated to Joe Paterno.' Pretty sure that establishes ownership.” (10 hr ago)
Twitter / Scott Paterno

“You know what else? Penn State claimed they 'lost' Joe's five AFCA COY plaques. I guess I'd better watch eBay.” (10 hr ago)
Twitter / Scott Paterno

“This is truly incredible. In spite of asking to have all JVP personal property returned this was sold.” (10 hr ago)
Twitter / Scott Paterno
What a fine university Penn State is.
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"Dedicated to" isn't ownership. Books are dedicated to people all the time--and they don't get copyright as a result. It made the news when it was first up for sale. And no one said anything then. Let's be real here.
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Yes, even if not owned legally........certainly couldn't expect "the university" to pass it on to Sue. Agree, let's be real. The Ship of Fools and their slimy legal reps are despicable no matter how you look at it.
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just because it is dedicated to him doesn't mean he owns it...don't think this is that big of a deal
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I guess I am not seeing why this stadium model (or anything else PSU football related or Paterno related) needed to be put up for auction by the University. It is just a slap in the face to us all. Nothing less. To pretend otherwise is disingenuous.

Trying to recoup those millions spent (wasted) on PR firms, freeh, and lawyers and given away in "victim" settlements.
I guess I am not seeing why this stadium model (or anything else PSU football related or Paterno related) needed to be put up for auction by the University. It is just a slap in the face to us all. Nothing less. To pretend otherwise is disingenuous.

It is "surplus". They sell stuff like this all the time. It's a pretty cool place. I got a nice PSU practice jersey and football notebook case on auction. Almost *every* university has something like this. So do most city. county, and state governments. There were a number of old architectural models being sold at the same time. They also had a big sale back a bit with all kinds of athletic gear (I think around the time of the BW Game).

This has almost nothing to do with Joe Pa. Look I despise the BOT and what was done as much as the next person. But Scott is way out to lunch here. Just because it has Joe's name on it doesn't mean it belonged to him. Just because it was in his office at one time doesn't mean it belonged to him. Even with a dedication plaque. Does Eisenhower Auditorium belong to the Eisenhower family now? Of course not.
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It is "surplus". They sell stuff like this all the time. It's a pretty cool place. I got a nice PSU practice jersey and football notebook case on auction. Almost *every* university has something like this. So do most city. county, and state governments. There were a number of old architectural models being sold at the same time. They also had a big sale back a bit with all kinds of athletic gear (I think around the time of the BW Game).

This has almost nothing to do with Joe Pa. Look I despise the BOT and what was done as much as the next person. But Scott is way out to lunch here. Just because it has Joe's name on it doesn't mean it belonged to him. Just because it was in his office at one time doesn't mean it belonged to him. Even with a dedication plaque. Does Eisenhower Auditorium belong to the Eisenhower family now? Of course not.

I don't think we know that. Was it given to Joe, and just at the university, or was it given to the university? Two totally different things. Of course, a jersey or a football would be the University's. But personal items that belong to Joe, but still at the University, are Joe's heir's.
I wonder if any of Kaidinov's awards or things have been put up for sale. If it's only things that Joe received, and no other coaches things have been sold, then there is a problem. If it's normal procedure to purge awards and the like of any coach that has been either fired or retired, then they're not setting a precedent.
I don't think we know that. Was it given to Joe, and just at the university, or was it given to the university? Two totally different things. Of course, a jersey or a football would be the University's. But personal items that belong to Joe, but still at the University, are Joe's heir's.

It was an *large* architectural model. According to Scott Paterno, there is a plaque that says "dedicated to Joe Paterno". He is assuming that means ownership. I don't. Lots of things are "dedicated to" without a transfer of ownership. There were other architectural models (and these things are *big*) for sale at the same time including one from the Beave when it was moved in the early 1960s to it's current site (and that surely did not belong to Paterno as it predated him). When it went up on E-bay a number of months back it was news--I was one of the ones reporting it here. But no complaints were made then. I think part of it is Scott being miffed at someone other than himself getting to exploit his dad's name.

That said, is is *possible* it belonged to Paterno? Sure. But Scott's word really isn't enough to prove that. Here in Columbus, they tried to auction off a Lego Brian McBride statue (larger than life--it was cool). Turns out that one *was* a gift to McBride and belonged to him. The auction got cancelled. But truly, some folks are interpreting *every* action of anyone at PSU as nefarious. And that's silly--and detracts from getting at the ones that truly are.
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People, it's not THIS plaque's the entirety of the situation. Scott's other tweets state that not only has the university kept other plaques/awards, they are holding "massive quantities of personal files." Of course, Old Main have no interest in auctioning off any of those documents....that could be quite damaging.

By the way, I've been given completely worthless plaques and other goofy statues/awards from outside organizations over my career. My company doesn't claim those items as theirs, they are mine. They weren't awarded to my company, they were awarded to me. This is the same for all other employees.
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It was an *large* architectural model. According to Scott Paterno, there is a plaque that says "dedicated to Joe Paterno". He is assuming that means ownership. I don't. Lots of things are "dedicated to" without a transfer of ownership. There were other architectural models (and these things are *big*) for sale at the same time including one from the Beave when it was moved in the early 1960s to it's current site (and that surely did not belong to Paterno as it predated him). When it went up on E-bay a number of months back it was news--I was one of the ones reporting it here. But no complaints were made then. I think part of it is Scott being miffed at someone other than himself getting to exploit his dad's name.

That said, is is *possible* it belonged to Paterno? Sure. But Scott's word really isn't enough to prove that. Here in Columbus, they tried to auction off a Lego Brian McBride statue (larger than life--it was cool). Turns out that one *was* a gift to McBride and belonged to him. The auction got cancelled. But truly, some folks are interpreting *every* action of anyone at PSU as nefarious. And that's silly--and detracts from getting at the ones that truly are.

Maybe...but you are reading a lot into a 140 character tweet. Like him or hate him, Scott's an attorney and a pretty smart guy. I am pretty sure he knows what is PSU property and what is Joe's estate's property.
Let's auction off Old Main.......bidding starts at 25 cents.
Actually, that is the "BUY IT NOW" price. I don't think they actually expect the bidding to surpass a nickel.

The costs to fumigate and delouse the place probably exceed any reasonable market value.
Actually, that is the "BUY IT NOW" price. I don't think they actually expect the bidding to surpass a nickel.

The costs to fumigate and delouse the place probably exceed any reasonable market value.
True. I'd love to see a sign hang over that building that reads "Under new management" after they toss the current inhabitants out.
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True. I'd love to see a sign hang over that building that reads "Under new management" after they toss the current inhabitants out.

If you remember the scene from ANIMAL HOUSE:

With any luck, they will use the same procedure to remove the Bloviator.....that they employed to remove Neidemeyer's horse from the Dean's Office.
Maybe...but you are reading a lot into a 140 character tweet. Like him or hate him, Scott's an attorney and a pretty smart guy. I am pretty sure he knows what is PSU property and what is Joe's estate's property.

I expect it was the auction description that got Scott riled. Which I can understand--it was pretty out to lunch with speculation. And it doesn't note that there was a second model (at least) of an earlier Beav.

But just because he's a lawyer doesn't mean everything he says is God Own Truth.
I expect it was the auction description that got Scott riled. Which I can understand--it was pretty out to lunch with speculation. And it doesn't note that there was a second model (at least) of an earlier Beav.

But just because he's a lawyer doesn't mean everything he says is God Own Truth.

I think we are getting very off the point. Does it really matter who has "legal ownership"?

Isn't the broader point more simple? Wouldn't any DECENT human being, regardless of the legal definitions, just send the thing over to the Paternos.....or at least ask them if they wanted it.....before they would go through the trouble of listing the thing in an EBAY auction?
"Dedicated to" isn't ownership. Books are dedicated to people all the time--and they don't get copyright as a result. It made the news when it was first up for sale. And no one said anything then. Let's be real here.

I have a copy of Jay's book, he personalized it for me. If it ended up on eBay, I would want it back, it's one of a kind. I see that as more analogous of this situation than a book that is dedicated to someone (i.e. author's spouse) and every copy says that. This is a one of kind that was personalized for Joe.
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People, it's not THIS plaque's the entirety of the situation. Scott's other tweets state that not only has the university kept other plaques/awards, they are holding "massive quantities of personal files." Of course, Old Main have no interest in auctioning off any of those documents....that could be quite damaging.

By the way, I've been given completely worthless plaques and other goofy statues/awards from outside organizations over my career. My company doesn't claim those items as theirs, they are mine. They weren't awarded to my company, they were awarded to me. This is the same for all other employees.

this one's for you PSUEngineerx2

Engineers hate risk. They try to eliminate it whenever they can. This is understandable, given that when an engineer makes one little mistake, the media will treat it like it's a big deal or something.

* Hindenberg.
* Space Shuttle Challenger.
* SPANet(tm)
* Hubble space telescope.
* Apollo 13.
* Titanic.
* Ford Pinto.
* Corvair.

The risk/reward calculation for engineers looks something like this:

Public humiliation and the death of thousands of innocent people.
REWARD: A certificate of appreciation in a handsome plastic frame.
I think we are getting very off the point. Does it really matter who has "legal ownership"?

Isn't the broader point more simple? Wouldn't any DECENT human being, regardless of the legal definitions, just send the thing over to the Paternos.....or at least ask them if they wanted it.....before they would go through the trouble of listing the thing in an EBAY auction?

Where would they put it? It's 4 ft long. You guys are making a mountain out of a molehill. There was more than one. Do they want them *all*??
It is a shame that one fu@k up and you are labelled forever. Here is another example.

As an old boss of mine used to say: Be careful of being labelled. If you suck just ONE di@k, you are forever going to be referenced as "That Di@k Sucker".
Where would they put it? It's 4 ft long. You guys are making a mountain out of a molehill. There was more than one. Do they want them *all*??

Were they asked if they wanted it? As a matter of common courtesy, I would expect that to happen. Then again, I did use common courtesy with the implication that it would be exercised by the powers that be at PSU.
Were they asked if they wanted it? As a matter of common courtesy, I would expect that to happen. Then again, I did use common courtesy with the implication that it would be exercised by the powers that be at PSU.

Why? If they asked the Paternos about everything that had Joe's name attached to it at one time or another, they'd be there a while... And for all you know, Paterno *was* asked back in the day. The stadium has gone through more renovations since that time. It's highly likely that the model had been in storage for some years prior to the sale. I think it's just Scott making a big deal about nothing. He's been known to do that from time to time. Betcha there were plenty of Joe's chairs and desks and stuff like that through they years that went through Surplus--surely he didn't have the same ones for 60+ years.
this one's for you PSUEngineerx2

Engineers hate risk. They try to eliminate it whenever they can. This is understandable, given that when an engineer makes one little mistake, the media will treat it like it's a big deal or something.

* Hindenberg.
* Space Shuttle Challenger.
* SPANet(tm)
* Hubble space telescope.
* Apollo 13.
* Titanic.
* Ford Pinto.
* Corvair.

The risk/reward calculation for engineers looks something like this:

Public humiliation and the death of thousands of innocent people.
REWARD: A certificate of appreciation in a handsome plastic frame.

How right you are friend. Personally, I prefer those valuable lucite/acrylic pieces of crap they love to give out. I have bunches of those....worthless!
Were they asked if they wanted it? As a matter of common courtesy, I would expect that to happen. Then again, I did use common courtesy with the implication that it would be exercised by the powers that be at PSU.
It would have made sense to ask the Paternos if they wanted it but it seems like a case where the university took the opportunity to give a figurative middle finger to the Paternos. If they didn't want the Paternos to have the replica it would have made a unique display for the all sports museum. It sold for just over $4000. The university obviously didn't need the money considering how $4000 is a drop in a bucket compared to the millions it has pissed away post-Sandusky.
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Why? If they asked the Paternos about everything that had Joe's name attached to it at one time or another, they'd be there a while... And for all you know, Paterno *was* asked back in the day. The stadium has gone through more renovations since that time. It's highly likely that the model had been in storage for some years prior to the sale. I think it's just Scott making a big deal about nothing. He's been known to do that from time to time. Betcha there were plenty of Joe's chairs and desks and stuff like that through they years that went through Surplus--surely he didn't have the same ones for 60+ years.

Seriously? It's a one of a kind item that they obviously were able to determine had monetary value. Alternatively, they don't have to ask on an item by item basis. In the normal process of clearing things out, simply collect all Paterno-related items, put them in a room, then invite the family to go through them and take what they want, informing them that the rest will be disposed of. Might have to go through a number of iterations of the process, but the family deserves at least that much consideration.
It would have made sense to ask the Paternos if they wanted it but it seems like a case where the university took the opportunity to give a figurative middle finger to the Paternos. If they didn't want the Paternos to have the replica it would have made a unique display for the all sports museum. It sold for just over $4000. The university obviously didn't need the money considering how $4000 is a drop in a bucket compared to the millions it has pissed away post-Sandusky.

Either that or nobody up there has a sense of decency and proportion.
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It would have made sense to ask the Paternos if they wanted it but it seems like a case where the university took the opportunity to give a figurative middle finger to the Paternos. If they didn't want the Paternos to have the replica it would have made a unique display for the all sports museum. It sold for just over $4000. The university obviously didn't need the money considering how $4000 is a drop in a bucket compared to the millions it has pissed away post-Sandusky.
It would have made sense to ask the Paternos if they wanted it but it seems like a case where the university took the opportunity to give a figurative middle finger to the Paternos. If they didn't want the Paternos to have the replica it would have made a unique display for the all sports museum. It sold for just over $4000. The university obviously didn't need the money considering how $4000 is a drop in a bucket compared to the millions it has pissed away post-Sandusky.

They sold other ones as well in the same sale. At least one predated Paterno's time as HC. Should they have given that to Rip's family?

But don't let that stop you all from finding malice in each and every activity of any staffer at Penn State in the past 4 years.

And it's just as likely Joe had it put it in storage *years* before.
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