Fox Big NOON Kickoff


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2009
Not sure who is producing this show, but do they not know how to mic the sound so it goes directly to the production truck and gets mixed correctly for the final product? It’s like they have everyone’s mics tied into stage speakers (like a concert) and then 1 single mic for the TV broadcast picking up all the sound from there.
Not sure who is producing this show, but do they not know how to mic the sound so it goes directly to the production truck and gets mixed correctly for the final product? It’s like they have everyone’s mics tied into stage speakers (like a concert) and then 1 single mic for the TV broadcast picking up all the sound from there.
Yeah, it's pretty bad.
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Hmmm - pre-game nonsense or Wonder Woman on MeTV....

Not sure who is producing this show, but do they not know how to mic the sound so it goes directly to the production truck and gets mixed correctly for the final product? It’s like they have everyone’s mics tied into stage speakers (like a concert) and then 1 single mic for the TV broadcast picking up all the sound from there.
Check that, it's really bad.
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The production value keeps getting better. CJF comes on via satellite for an interview and as soon as they ask him the first question, the sounds cuts out for the first 20 seconds.
Hey Fox Sports, I can appreciate as much as anyone your willingness to take on the evil empire with a competing show, but you aren’t quite yet ready for prime time. If you want to compete with the big boys, do a better job. Stop putting out an inferior product.
“I would never send my kid to Penn State”…nice sign. Someone tell that guy his kid’s too dumb to even get in.
"Sean Clifford drinks White Claw" and "Sean Clifford wears capris" were my favorites.