"I would like to open up with a statement, something that I was thinking about laying in bed last night, that I wanted to put out there. The football that I know, and love, brings people together and embraces differences. Black, white, brown, Catholic, Jewish, or Muslim, rich or poor, rural or urban, Republican or Democrat, long hair, short hair or no hair, they’re all in the locker room together."
"Teams all over the country are the purest form of humanity we have. We don’t judge. We embrace differences. We love, grow, and support each other. We’re a family. Penn State brings people together unlike few things on this planet. Fans throughout our region, from all different parts of our state, they are hugging and singing ‘Sweet Caroline’ together [at games]. This is my football. Ultimately, this is the definition and embodiment of what ‘We Are’ is all about.”
“Jonathan Sutherland is one of the most respected players in our program and is what our program is all about. He’s a captain, dean’s list student, student, intelligent, and committed, and has two of the most supportive parents. I would be so blessed if my daughters married someone with his characteristics one day.”
"Teams all over the country are the purest form of humanity we have. We don’t judge. We embrace differences. We love, grow, and support each other. We’re a family. Penn State brings people together unlike few things on this planet. Fans throughout our region, from all different parts of our state, they are hugging and singing ‘Sweet Caroline’ together [at games]. This is my football. Ultimately, this is the definition and embodiment of what ‘We Are’ is all about.”
“Jonathan Sutherland is one of the most respected players in our program and is what our program is all about. He’s a captain, dean’s list student, student, intelligent, and committed, and has two of the most supportive parents. I would be so blessed if my daughters married someone with his characteristics one day.”