No doubt. Louie wrote the book on gross mischaracterizations and is THE expert on the topic.Well he should know something about "gross mischaracterizations."
Unreal that the media won't just call Freeh out for what he is.
We live in an extremely lazy society where people see "former FBI director" and automatically assume that === legitimate. To realize that Freeh is nothing more than a hired gun would require more effort than the majority of people are willing and/or able to muster. As for the media, if it can't be explained in 140 characters, then most don't care to report it.
Isn't it time for him to run into another tree?
Has he stopped drinking, or just stopped driving?
He was even a hired gun as an FBI director. The linked story calls him "Clinton's FBI Director." That is only technically correct.
Clinton saw a leaderless FBI and felt it was important for the FBI to have a Director. However, none of his top picks for the job stood a chance of being approved by Congress. He picked Freeh as a compromose with the R side of the aisle to assure that the FBI would get a Director.
On his first day on the job, Freeh plopped down in the Director's chair seething with hate for Clinton...the guy who had agreed to let him be FBI Director. For the love of all things good, who starts a new job seething with hate for the one guy who made sure he got the job?
There is somethig patholgically wrong with Freeh. And, it is indeed odd that the so-called liberal American press seems unwilling to go after the guy. Thankfully, this international news site has no such qualms.
I was hoping he'd run into another tree that wasn't putting up with his b.s.
Freeh a bigger monster than Sandusky?