From a board certified cardiologist during hospital rounds...


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2006
"Your boys from Penn State are acting up again!" My response: "It's all stemming from that football culture." Silence... The Scarlet Letter we wear, still.
ropa: If you are a board certified cardiologist and a PSU grad ("The Scarlet Letter we wear, still"), why would you respond to your colleague in that way? Perhaps you intended humor, and I did not pick it up in your post?
Bear, mine was a sarcastic response to his insinuation... And I'm an internist and PSU grad!;)
I mean no offense to you but most file clerks and bookkeepers

are capable of higher quality critical thinking about matters other than cardio, than most cardiologists, board certified or no. I know mechanics who are excellent critical thinkers--about my car.:)
Most file clerks and book keepers are better critical thinkers than...

...lawyers too.

No offense though. :)
Originally posted by ropa6203:
"Your boys from Penn State are acting up again!" My response: "It's all stemming from that football culture." Silence... The Scarlet Letter we wear, still.
"Still" is not the right word. "Forever" is the right word. Thanks to our BOT, the Scarlet Letter will never go away. It may fade, but it will be with us until the end of time.
Fairgambit, you are the best "critical thinker" in this bunch!

My point exactly...
A little surprising

since a lawyer's role, in very large part, is to be a good critical thinker. I've heard -- and can believe -- that lawyers are bad investors, or even bad businessmen (or women) when it comes to running their own businesses. But lawyers are generally good thinkers.
Re: A little surprising

Originally posted by lobo lion:
since a lawyer's role, in very large part, is to be a good critical thinker. I've heard -- and can believe -- that lawyers are bad investors, or even bad businessmen (or women) when it comes to running their own businesses. But lawyers are generally good thinkers.
Speaking from first hand experience I can say that is absolutely true in my case.
Don't take it so seriously

He's just making conversation. That was two fairly bizarre stories involving PSU yesterday.
Re: Don't take it so seriously

He's just making conversation. That was two fairly bizarre stories involving PSU yesterday.

That's the way I hear it.
But posters on this very board just said PSU no longer had an image problem

I'm so confused.