I don't have the words for it.....so I will just post the numbers after the recently approved pay increases (and, lest we forget, the $6 Million Dollar Man his-own-self - Barron - receives a $24,000 bonus due to his incredible "service" over these past months):
"— Steve Dunham, chief general counsel, an annual salary of $551,364; (???? Really? Wasn't this guy supposed to be unemployed by now?)
— Nicholas Jones, executive vice president and provost, annual salary of $511,...364;
— Rodney Kirsch, senior vice president for Development and Alumni Relations, new annual salary of $481,320;
— David Gray, senior vice president for Finance and Business, recommended for a general salary increase and a market adjustment, bringing his salary to $470,568.
In addition, the Tier IIA executive recommended for a salary increase is Penn State Athletic Director Sandy Barbour.
— Barbour will now receive an annual salary of $720,996."
Oh, and a 3% hike in University Park tuition.
"— Steve Dunham, chief general counsel, an annual salary of $551,364; (???? Really? Wasn't this guy supposed to be unemployed by now?)
— Nicholas Jones, executive vice president and provost, annual salary of $511,...364;
— Rodney Kirsch, senior vice president for Development and Alumni Relations, new annual salary of $481,320;
— David Gray, senior vice president for Finance and Business, recommended for a general salary increase and a market adjustment, bringing his salary to $470,568.
In addition, the Tier IIA executive recommended for a salary increase is Penn State Athletic Director Sandy Barbour.
— Barbour will now receive an annual salary of $720,996."
Oh, and a 3% hike in University Park tuition.