Games of Thrones: Season 7, Episode 2 (spoilers)

Agree! Littlefinger leaning/smirking at this point is such a cliche, just wasted minutes. A little like having Ramsey torture Theon for the 14th time -- I GET IT ALREADY! Also had it with sanctimonious little Lady Mormont. It was cute the first time, pretty cool the second time, but now it's stale. Where is the member of the GOT writer's room brave enough to say - enough! Three times is enough!
The Girl Power stuff is really ridiculous. Pandering to keep a female audience.
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After waiting six years to cross the sea with fully grown dragons and a capable army? Damn right. Trying to sell Tyrion's plan to an audience who knows better is insulting. This is stalling for stalling's sake. Introducing Euron so late in the series was a bad move too. Ramsay was great because we got years of him as a villain. Euron steps off his ship like a coke fueled maniac and we're supposed to buy it? Sorry - one of the worst episodes of the series.

Glad I'm not alone, I've found both episodes to be off. It's even more strikingly obvious we've gone beyond George's writing than I expected.

Sam's discovery of dragonglass might be the worst thing on the show to date. "Oh, I really want to look at those forbidden books... Yay, I got them. Let me open this up...hey wait a minute, out of thousands of books and millions of pages, is that a map of exactly the thing we need at this exact moment? I must tell Jon." Just way too conveniently contrived. Stay tuned next week when Sam finds the forbidden book describing all unknown Targaryen heirs who don't know they're Targaryen.

As you guys already pointed out, its insanity that you'd send a vital fleet out to sea without one of the dragons. Let alone Tyrions plan amounting to "hey, we got this atomic bomb....but let's just lay siege to Japan for 5 years instead, so that way they feel better about the way they're losing and will be more welcoming." Tyrion's plan would be the same whether she was the Mother of Dragons or Mother of Dragonflies, and that's just absurd.
Glad I'm not alone, I've found both episodes to be off. It's even more strikingly obvious we've gone beyond George's writing than I expected.

Sam's discovery of dragonglass might be the worst thing on the show to date. "Oh, I really want to look at those forbidden books... Yay, I got them. Let me open this up...hey wait a minute, out of thousands of books and millions of pages, is that a map of exactly the thing we need at this exact moment? I must tell Jon." Just way too conveniently contrived. Stay tuned next week when Sam finds the forbidden book describing all unknown Targaryen heirs who don't know they're Targaryen.

As you guys already pointed out, its insanity that you'd send a vital fleet out to sea without one of the dragons. Let alone Tyrions plan amounting to "hey, we got this atomic bomb....but let's just lay siege to Japan for 5 years instead, so that way they feel better about the way they're losing and will be more welcoming." Tyrion's plan would be the same whether she was the Mother of Dragons or Mother of Dragonflies, and that's just absurd.

Oh - you mean Stannis told Sam about Dragonglass being at Dragonstone way back in Season 5? Who cares - go to the Citadel anyway - we need it for plot development....

Just curious, was anybody else grossed out by the seamless transition between Sam scraping greyscale gunk off Jorah and Hot Pie's hot pie? That was in such poor taste it was kind of funny.

Also Cersei's line about Robert moving the dragon heads to the crypt because he was making them look smaller was hilarious.
Sam's discovery of dragonglass might be the worst thing on the show to date. "Oh, I really want to look at those forbidden books... Yay, I got them. Let me open this up...hey wait a minute, out of thousands of books and millions of pages, is that a map of exactly the thing we need at this exact moment? I must tell Jon."


As you guys already pointed out, its insanity that you'd send a vital fleet out to sea without one of the dragons. Let alone Tyrions plan amounting to "hey, we got this atomic bomb....but let's just lay siege to Japan for 5 years instead, so that way they feel better about the way they're losing and will be more welcoming."
Yeah, it's TOTAL WAR but Tyrion the great humanitarian -- his biggest concern is that King's Landing might be inconvenienced a little bit?

I love Dinklage, what a great actor and he has carried this show at times. But what stupid things they're making him say this season. He must hate it.

My patience is wearing thin with Tyrion and his ultra-convoluted war strategy. Sure - we have the biggest, baddest, and best army in the world and could take Westeros/King's Landing in an afternoon, but nah - let's go *back* to Dorne and Highgarden, pick up their armies (and leave our fleet vulnerable to a mad pirate who is just itching to kill Yara and Theon) bring them *back* to King's Landing, and go from there. All the while, my dragons, Dothraki, and Unsullied will do a whole lot of nothing. I honestly could not believe that.

Best parts of the night for me were Samwell and Jorah, and Grey Worm and Messandi. Bored to death of Jon and his nightly speeches to Lords and Ladies of the North - drink every time:

- Sansa disagrees with Jon.
- Lady Mormont has a big speech.
- Littlefinger smirks and/or leans against the wall.

Also, Dany calling out Varys was out of place and weird - she's not wrong of course, but maybe question him two years ago? Just an awkward episode overall and I think they're doing whatever they can to make the Lannister's seem formidable (Now we have a super crossbow that can kill a dragon! Really!?). And don't get me started on the worst reunion ever between Nymeria and Arya.....what a wet fart. like the Greyworm/Missandei story line? That is the worst acting in the show and complete waste of time. The only good thing about it this past week is hopefully Greyworm is killed in Casterly Rock. like the Greyworm/Missandei story line? That is the worst acting in the show and complete waste of time. The only good thing about it this past week is hopefully Greyworm is killed in Casterly Rock.

I like that Grey Worm transcended his station in life and found love. And Missandei is criminally underused - sue me.
Just curious, was anybody else grossed out by the seamless transition between Sam scraping greyscale gunk off Jorah and Hot Pie's hot pie? That was in such poor taste it was kind of funny.
I though that transition was the best (i.e., most amusing) part of the whole episode, and that is telling. After all of the plot development in the second half of Season 6, things are moving slowly. I get it if the idea is to extend the series into a Season 8, but, man, are things moving slowly. I'm particularly bored with the Iron Islands crowd and the Dorne crowd. And didn't it seem a little contrived for Jon to nearly choke out Littlefinger and then depart, leaving Sansa to his tender mercies?
Glad I'm not alone, I've found both episodes to be off. It's even more strikingly obvious we've gone beyond George's writing than I expected.

Sam's discovery of dragonglass might be the worst thing on the show to date. "Oh, I really want to look at those forbidden books... Yay, I got them. Let me open this up...hey wait a minute, out of thousands of books and millions of pages, is that a map of exactly the thing we need at this exact moment? I must tell Jon." Just way too conveniently contrived. Stay tuned next week when Sam finds the forbidden book describing all unknown Targaryen heirs who don't know they're Targaryen.

As you guys already pointed out, its insanity that you'd send a vital fleet out to sea without one of the dragons. Let alone Tyrions plan amounting to "hey, we got this atomic bomb....but let's just lay siege to Japan for 5 years instead, so that way they feel better about the way they're losing and will be more welcoming." Tyrion's plan would be the same whether she was the Mother of Dragons or Mother of Dragonflies, and that's just absurd.
We saw Sam enter the forbidden room once and gather books. For all we know, it could have been many times as we saw with the bedpans montage. Time is relative on GOT and most tv shows and movies.
I though that transition was the best (i.e., most amusing) part of the whole episode, and that is telling. After all of the plot development in the second half of Season 6, things are moving slowly. I get it if the idea is to extend the series into a Season 8, but, man, are things moving slowly. I'm particularly bored with the Iron Islands crowd and the Dorne crowd. And didn't it seem a little contrived for Jon to nearly choke out Littlefinger and then depart, leaving Sansa to his tender mercies?
Moving slow? The whole series takes forever. I find this season things are moving at lightspeed compared to previous seasons.
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I like that Grey Worm transcended his station in life and found love. And Missandei is criminally underused - sue me.
My sons (home from State College for the summer) watched last night's episode with my wife and me. The unfolding Grey Worm - Missandei love scene prompted them to make the following comments:

1. (As Grey Worm was clambering on top of her): "What happens now? Poor bastard." And "What's the point?"

2. "Dad, what does castration entail? Do they take your johnson, your nads, or both?" (I was tempted to refer them to their mother for the answer.) :cool:
My sons (home from State College for the summer) watched last night's episode with my wife and me. The unfolding Grey Worm - Missandei love scene prompted them to make the following comments:

1. (As Grey Worm was clambering on top of her): "What happens now? Poor bastard." And "What's the point?"

2. "Dad, what does castration entail? Do they take your johnson, your nads, or both?" (I was tempted to refer them to their mother for the answer.) :cool:

Perhaps my family is old fashioned, but I would've found a reason to exit the room for a drink/restroom as that scene began to unfold if I were watching that with my parents.
We saw Sam enter the forbidden room once and gather books. For all we know, it could have been many times as we saw with the bedpans montage. Time is relative on GOT and most tv shows and movies.

Fair enough, so make the montage about Sam poring over books rather than cleaning crap, or at least intermix them. Otherwise you allow the impression he fell right into it immediately.
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Maybe Gendry will pick him up.
I that the kid/guy who was the true heir to King Robert? Not that it matters now, as he he wears the crown and sits in the throne is in charge. I would be surprised if we ever hear from him again at this point.
I would have thought that by now Jon would talk to Sansa about plans, and worked out their disagreements about them, in private.
Yeah, but how much time is elapsing between the speeches to the lords and ladies?
What happens between Jon and Dani? With her lover back across the pond, Dani would be free to marry someone in order to form an aliegence... although I doubt that we have enough episodes to move that far in the story. How do they end up trusting each other?
What happens between Jon and Dani? With her lover back across the pond, Dani would be free to marry someone in order to form an aliegence... although I doubt that we have enough episodes to move that far in the story. How do they end up trusting each other?
The first time I read your post, I thought you had used the word "thrusting."
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I that the kid/guy who was the true heir to King Robert? Not that it matters now, as he he wears the crown and sits in the throne is in charge. I would be surprised if we ever hear from him again at this point.

Not a true heir but the closest thing to a Baratheon left. Don't be so sure we've seen the last..
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What happens between Jon and Dani? With her lover back across the pond, Dani would be free to marry someone in order to form an aliegence... although I doubt that we have enough episodes to move that far in the story. How do they end up trusting each other?

Don't continue reading this post if you want to know about theories that could be spoilers. ... Most close followers of the books are certain that Jon and Dani together wouldn't be all that much better than Cersei and Jamie being together.
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So Jon has two half sisters then? The thought that I had when I proposed that Jon and Dani might hook up was the song of "fire and ice"... and thinking how they could link fire and ice. I guess if Dani and Jon are both siblings, then they could be the "fire and ice" wondertwins.
So Jon has two half sisters then? The thought that I had when I proposed that Jon and Dani might hook up was the song of "fire and ice"... and thinking how they could link fire and ice. I guess if Dani and Jon are both siblings, then they could be the "fire and ice" wondertwins.

Not siblings - Dany is Jon's aunt (Sansa his cousin). Targaryen's were infamously inbred though which is why they're all platinum blonde/purple or blue eyes.
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I'm fine with Dani and Tyrion's plan, politics is part of the "game". But sailing two armies without taking Euron's fleet into account, really?

Even if you can accept a fleet of 1000 ships and the crews to man them being created out of thin air, they were anchored off of Kings Landing for everyone to see. And Dani, Tyrion, Theon and Yara just ignore it? If only they had the means to take out a navy.....hmmm.

Lazy writing, deus ex machina. It's a shame. Kind of reminds me of the last season of BSG.
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I'm fine with Dani and Tyrion's plan, politics is part of the "game". But sailing two armies without taking Euron's fleet into account, really?

Even if you can accept a fleet of 1000 ships and the crews to man them being created out of thin air, they were anchored off of Kings Landing for everyone to see. And Dani, Tyrion, Theon and Yara just ignore it? If only they had the means to take out a navy.....hmmm.

Lazy writing, deus ex machina. It's a shame. Kind of reminds me of the last season of BSG.

I'm not sure Yara and Theon knew Euron had as big a fleet as he does. It was rather pathetic their forces were so easily over run by Euron's though. I thought Cersei used all the fire water to blowup the citadel? And King's Landing is miles from Dragons

I found 'the talk' between Dany and Olenna interesting. Olenna thinks she out witted and out smarted all the men before her? They probably didn't give her a second thought. And she seems to think that she knows what every man is thinking. Dany's expression was rather telling, kind of a masked 'bullshit' smirk. Dany has surrounded herself with men and women she trusts, and listens to their counsel. She knows she doesn't know everything, but she knows her end-game, takes their counsel under advisement, then makes a decision and sticks with it. She relies on Tyrion's guidance a bit more than the others. The folly with Tyrion's plan was the whole 'two fronts war' debacle. He split his forces and this is something no wise commander would do.

Dany's 'talk' with Varys showed him that she knew a lot more about him than he thought she did, that she knows he has no 'loyalties'. She gained confirmation that his interests lay with the common-folk, those oppressed by the elites... which ties in with her wanting to be known as the People's Queen.
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After waiting six years to cross the sea with fully grown dragons and a capable army? Damn right. Trying to sell Tyrion's plan to an audience who knows better is insulting. This is stalling for stalling's sake. Introducing Euron so late in the series was a bad move too. Ramsay was great because we got years of him as a villain. Euron steps off his ship like a coke fueled maniac and we're supposed to buy it? Sorry - one of the worst episodes of the series.

How does Euron build this humongous fleet of huge ships in like what- 6 months? Heck, the Iron Islands didn't look like they even had that many trees.
Finally caught up. Enjoying the show, but this is all way rushed. In a perfect world these events would play out over two or three seasons:

1. Agree with another poster that it took way too long to introduce Euron. Where did he get the death star battle ship from? And why are his thugs so much better fighters than the other iron born thugs?

2. I find myself rooting for attractive girl on girl love, but that scene in the ship was forced and out of place.

3. They needed to get Dani to Dragonstone sooner and they needed to get Sam to the Citadel sooner. The dragons could have come to her at the beginning of this season, after they got bigger overseas and could make the flight across the ocean. I would have enjoyed seeing Sam learn and grow over a season or two and we could have gotten more background on prior world events and people/houses through his learning.

4. I think victory next week at Casterly Rock for Dani. This is all leading to a big meeting at King's landing for the main characters and each side needs leverage.

5. They need to get the white walkers on camera soon.
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Agree! Littlefinger leaning/smirking at this point is such a cliche, just wasted minutes. A little like having Ramsey torture Theon for the 14th time -- I GET IT ALREADY! Also had it with sanctimonious little Lady Mormont. It was cute the first time, pretty cool the second time, but now it's stale. Where is the member of the GOT writer's room brave enough to say - enough! Three times is enough!

I don't know why someone can't just gut Littlefield and be done with it.
2. I find myself rooting for attractive girl on girl love, but that scene in the ship was forced and out of place.

It apparently wasn't in the script. It was supposed to be only flirtatious but the actresses felt the chemistry was there and the scene called for more and they went for it.

4. I think victory next week at Casterly Rock for Dani. This is all leading to a big meeting at King's landing for the main characters and each side needs leverage.

Next week's episode is called "The Queens' Justice". Plural. Multiple queens. Cersei gets her justice on Ellaria and Dany will absolutely get justice of some sort, at least but maybe not limited to Casterly Rock.

Episode 4 title was released today as "The Spoils of War".
I would expect a big episode 3.
1. Agree with another poster that it took way too long to introduce Euron. Where did he get the death star battle ship from? And why are his thugs so much better fighters than the other iron born thugs?

He was the most feared pirate on the planet before showing back up in Pyke, with a crew that he cut tongues out of so no one could dissent (as shown in this episode as well). I'm assuming some of the crew and possibly the lead ship may have come from his pirate days.

Also, many ask where they got all the trees for 1000 boats. Iron Islanders words are "We do not sow." They pillage and rape, taking what they want. It's quite possible they took much of the wood from the Riverlands across the bay. The wardens of the Riverlands (Freys) at the time were quite incompetent and a little busy trying to take back Riverrun.
So did Euron kill Yara? Id assume so but I would think they'd show it. Initially I thought it was her hanging from the boat but I think it was two of the sand snake sisters
The assumption is she was killed but I suspect she wasn't. If there's gore to show, they tend to show it. Yara, Elaria and the one sandsnake sister seem to have been captured (Elaria's plea to just kill them supports that). There's likely more to the Elaria-Yara combo.

The implication was that Theon channeled his "Reek" instincts and bailed. I suspect it had more to do with ensuring Theon and Yara would live for another day. I'm 60/40 on that suspicion.

I've suspected for a long time that the dragons will somehow identify John Snow as part Targ.
So Jon has two half sisters then? The thought that I had when I proposed that Jon and Dani might hook up was the song of "fire and ice"... and thinking how they could link fire and ice. I guess if Dani and Jon are both siblings, then they could be the "fire and ice" wondertwins.
technically, aunt and nephew.
That prophecy from the LOL was right out of a Monty Python sketch. The prophecy it says prince, er um, could be princess. Not sure really. Both start with "p." Who knows, really?

I think the scenes of Jamie from the preview are from Highgarden, not casterly rock. I think we seen highgarden sacked and casterly rock fall next week. Then I think we get a big parlay with everyone at King's landing for episode 4.
It apparently wasn't in the script. It was supposed to be only flirtatious but the actresses felt the chemistry was there and the scene called for more and they went for it.

Next week's episode is called "The Queens' Justice". Plural. Multiple queens. Cersei gets her justice on Ellaria and Dany will absolutely get justice of some sort, at least but maybe not limited to Casterly Rock.

Episode 4 title was released today as "The Spoils of War".
I would expect a big episode 3.

I see everywhere from IMDB to HBO websites Queen's- single.
That prophecy from the LOL was right out of a Monty Python sketch. The prophecy it says prince, er um, could be princess. Not sure really. Both start with "p." Who knows, really?

I think the scenes of Jamie from the preview are from Highgarden, not casterly rock. I think we seen highgarden sacked and casterly rock fall next week. Then I think we get a big parlay with everyone at King's landing for episode 4.

I think there's one big step in between Highgarden and King's Landing based on season previews of dragon battle in open fields against a particular army.