Gas stations

I'm supposed to drive to NE PA today. Had to go to 9 gas stations before I found one with gas (NOVA) and even they had no premium. Anyone know how difficult it is to get gas in NE PA? Not going to make the trip if I can't get gas to get home. I'll hang up and listen. Thanks in advance.
No problem in the Reading area today!
It's like someone fired up the hot tub time machine & sent us back to 1979. Inflation, Gas problems, and turmoil in the middle east.
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Went to get a routine fill-up here in Sarasota today and came across a monstrous line at the gas station. People are filling up their vehicles and gas cans. WTF is wrong with people. FL isn’t even affected by the pipeline being down. Ever since Covid hit the country people have gone batsh!t crazy - I guess gas is the new toilet paper.
Really shows how fragile our infrastructure is and how poor we are at cyber security.
Having served on audit committees I can tell you that intrusion testing is a common practice among companies and there are certain standards developed in order to meet certifications. As we see however the hackers and the companies are constantly leap frogging with newer methods of hacking and protecting. My company prevented an average of 1,000 hacking attempts per day and most of these could be traced to China. Working from home presents particular security challenges for companies because of often looser controls over home networks, kids using the same computer for school, computer screens being left open while unattended, shared passwords, etc.
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SitRep 2: just arrived in Mt Pleasant, SC. Only problem we saw was in Smithfield, NC where one gas station was completely out. However, just 2 blocks away was a ....
Sheetz!! Long lines there and no premium grades. Otherwise, no problem getting gas all the way down to current location.
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I am laughing so hard imagining that lady trying to get that into a car's gas tank from her grocery bag
SitRep 2: just arrived in Mt Pleasant, SC. Only problem we saw was in Smithfield, NC where one gas station was completely out. However, just 2 blocks away was a ....
Sheetz!! Long lines there and no premium grades. Otherwise, no problem getting gas all the way down to current location.

Your SitRep isn't paying very close attention. Most of the tri County area is out now and there is about 1/3 as much traffic as normal on a Thursday morning. Gas stations look like ghost towns.
Your SitRep isn't paying very close attention. Most of the tri County area is out now and there is about 1/3 as much traffic as normal on a Thursday morning. Gas stations look like ghost towns.
Can only report what we see. We took back roads from Florence (52/41/17) and saw no problems yesterday.
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Gas in a plastic bag. WTF is wrong with those people. Hopefully the gas melted through the bag and ended up all through their cars.
My company makes industrial chemical containers. I have seen some pretty scary videos over the years and the people in the videos were professionals handling the chemicals. Imagine that stuff in the hands of amateurs.
My company makes industrial chemical containers. I have seen some pretty scary videos over the years and the people in the videos were professionals handling the chemicals. Imagine that stuff in the hands of amateurs.
Darwin at work???
Darwin at work???
From my experience only, I say professionals...may not be the right word. The ones I've seen may have been training lapses or people using the wrong container for the application (special containers for different flash points, etc). Then, once you have ignition, not knowing what to do immediately. In that case, I guess I wouldn't call it Darwn.

Last one I saw was a guy filling a container with 200 + gallons of alcohol. Some spills, then he tried to wipe it with a rag, causing a spark from static. Just a series of wrong decisions. The whole plant goes up. I think one died and one (the guy that wiped it with the rag) sustained bad burns.
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I think if I saw someone filling up bags I would have to resist urge to go up and poke a hole in the bag.

Of course I would not do it because I would be worried about gas going everywhere…unless I waited until they got the bag in their vehicle. 🤔
From my experience only, I say professionals...may not be the right word. The ones I've seen may have been training lapses or people using the wrong container for the application (special containers for different flash points, etc). Then, once you have ignition, not knowing what to do immediately. In that case, I guess I wouldn't call it Darwn.

Last one I saw was a guy filling a container with 200 + gallons of alcohol. Some spills, then he tried to wipe it with a rag, causing a spark from static. Just a series of wrong decisions. The whole plant goes up. I think one died and one (the guy that wiped it with the rag) sustained bad burns.
Damn. I'm really glad I don't see too many chemicals in my job.

Probably the worst thing I've been around would be hydrogen peroxide (50+percent). A leaf blowing into the tank would start a fire as it violently reacts with anything organic. Any contact with skin was burning a hole into you. Nasty stuff. Wonderful for water treatment when applied correctly.
If you pay in crypto, it must not be considered ransom.

Hey wildman! How are you doing? You must be cleaning up in this real estate market.
I think if I saw someone filling up bags I would have to resist urge to go up and poke a hole in the bag.

Of course I would not do it because I would be worried about gas going everywhere…unless I waited until they got the bag in their vehicle. 🤔
Early lead for the Darwin Award - I was waiting for her to light up a cigarette.
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Darwin at work???

Damn. I'm really glad I don't see too many chemicals in my job.

Probably the worst thing I've been around would be hydrogen peroxide (50+percent). A leaf blowing into the tank would start a fire as it violently reacts with anything organic. Any contact with skin was burning a hole into you. Nasty stuff. Wonderful for water treatment when applied correctly.
My company reconditions chemical containers. A lot of potential for mishaps. We do a very good job with compliance and handling though. Thankfully, I am not part of that process.
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