On a recent Martha MacCallum show, Geraldo had this to say...
“To be called by that bottom feeding politician an accomplice to this young lady’s murder, that something I cannot abide. He is stereotyping 11 million people in our country here without documentation. They care for our babies, they mow our lawns, they wash our dishes, they pick our fruit, they pack our meat, they process our poultry.”
Hey, Geraldo, how about stereotyping just a little more? Liberals just can't keep their real feelings repressed.
“To be called by that bottom feeding politician an accomplice to this young lady’s murder, that something I cannot abide. He is stereotyping 11 million people in our country here without documentation. They care for our babies, they mow our lawns, they wash our dishes, they pick our fruit, they pack our meat, they process our poultry.”
Hey, Geraldo, how about stereotyping just a little more? Liberals just can't keep their real feelings repressed.