Ghostbusters is a wonderful allegory about hate


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Gold Member
Sep 29, 2008
Mt Dora FL
In the movie hate is depicted as a slime that sticks to you and this is the truth in real life. Also, as you yourself hate, the slime becomes larger and more powerful.. If you understand The Bible, you understand that returning hate for hate justifies and elevates the hater. The antidote to hate is love and reason.
Many people here on the test board prove that the intensity of hate multiplies as it's tossed around among people.
Hate is a weapon with a U-turn barrel. It's biggest victim is the shooter. I used to be there and was kind of an expert.
In the movie hate is depicted as a slime that sticks to you and this is the truth in real life. Also, as you yourself hate, the slime becomes larger and more powerful.. If you understand The Bible, you understand that returning hate for hate justifies and elevates the hater. The antidote to hate is love and reason.
Many people here on the test board prove that the intensity of hate multiplies as it's tossed around among people.
Hate is a weapon with a U-turn barrel. It's biggest victim is the shooter. I used to be there and was kind of an expert.
God how I hate posts like this!😉
You may think this is corny, but I decided to eliminate the word hate from my vocabulary over 30 years ago. My wife jumped on board and we raised our children without the word hate. There is always a better way to express dislike, and having to think about that gives pause for reflection and is somewhat cleansing.

Example: When something is happening that you may normally state "I hate that" but instead you will state "I don't like that". You could further emphasize by stating "I really don't like that".

This may seem trivial and trite but give it a try.
How drunk are you?

Akroyd and Ramis wrote the movie quickly while being baked. It fun, silly and creative but not deep.
In the movie hate is depicted as a slime that sticks to you and this is the truth in real life. Also, as you yourself hate, the slime becomes larger and more powerful.. If you understand The Bible, you understand that returning hate for hate justifies and elevates the hater. The antidote to hate is love and reason.
Many people here on the test board prove that the intensity of hate multiplies as it's tossed around among people.
Hate is a weapon with a U-turn barrel. It's biggest victim is the shooter. I used to be there and was kind of an expert.
Why are the mega church Bible thumper folks the biggest haters of them all? They’re entire being is wrapped up in judging others.
Why are the mega church Bible thumper folks the biggest haters of them all? They’re entire being is wrapped up in judging others.
really? as we have seen people de-platformed for eschewing facts on COVID, advocating for kids, and correctly questioning authority by the "scientists" and your move is to suggest religious people are haters? wow

Why are the mega church Bible thumper folks the biggest haters of them all? They’re entire being is wrapped up in judging others.
There was no hate, only love during the slaughter of the 1st born sons.

So let it be written, so let it be done
To kill the 1st born Pharaoh's son
I'm creeping death
In the movie hate is depicted as a slime that sticks to you and this is the truth in real life. Also, as you yourself hate, the slime becomes larger and more powerful.. If you understand The Bible, you understand that returning hate for hate justifies and elevates the hater. The antidote to hate is love and reason.
Many people here on the test board prove that the intensity of hate multiplies as it's tossed around among people.
Hate is a weapon with a U-turn barrel. It's biggest victim is the shooter. I used to be there and was kind of an expert.
This country has become a festering pool of hate as witnessed by so many heartless deeds.
I have to admit I can hate with the best of them.Not sure if we have passed the point of no return but if not we seem on the brink .
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In the movie hate is depicted as a slime that sticks to you and this is the truth in real life. Also, as you yourself hate, the slime becomes larger and more powerful.. If you understand The Bible, you understand that returning hate for hate justifies and elevates the hater. The antidote to hate is love and reason.
Many people here on the test board prove that the intensity of hate multiplies as it's tossed around among people.
Hate is a weapon with a U-turn barrel. It's biggest victim is the shooter. I used to be there and was kind of an expert.
The word "hate", as with many others in this woke era, has been extended to include factually based opinions. It has infected the national discourse on policy, e.g. anyone who's in favor of enforcing our borders is a "hater" in the eyes of many. Etc., etc.
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Why are the mega church Bible thumper folks the biggest haters of them all? They’re entire being is wrapped up in judging others.
Guess you've met the wrong ones!!!! Those who know the Bible and are haters are not following the teachings of Scripture, so you can't really call them Christians.
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really? as we have seen people de-platformed for eschewing facts on COVID, advocating for kids, and correctly questioning authority by the "scientists" and your move is to suggest religious people are haters? wow

Ya bro.

Just a quick list of judging:

Abortion rights
Gay marriage
Not going to church enough
Not going to the correct church
Having a different religion
Having no religion
Not being “moral”

Uber religious folks are always concerned about what others are doing. No idea on your point about vaccines.
Ya bro.

Just a quick list of judging:

Abortion rights
Gay marriage
Not going to church enough
Not going to the correct church
Having a different religion
Having no religion
Not being “moral”

Uber religious folks are always concerned about what others are doing. No idea on your point about vaccines.
why are you worried about them? shouldn't you worry about yourself? There are people that hug trees, glue themselves to paintings, want to blow up buildings, shoot school kids, deal are 100% free to be gay, go to church, not go to church, or be immoral (within the law)....yet, people that advocate their church or religion are the problem. Jeesh.
Ya bro.

Just a quick list of judging:

Abortion rights
Gay marriage
Not going to church enough
Not going to the correct church
Having a different religion
Having no religion
Not being “moral”

Uber religious folks are always concerned about what others are doing. No idea on your point about vaccines.

No, bro.

You have a confused notion of "judging." Also, when you condemn people for "judging," you are in fact "judging" them yourself, right? It's akin to another common phenomenon these days: hateful people condemning "hate," intolerant people preaching "tolerance," and so forth.

But that aside, there is a basic difference between judging actions and judging people. We all judge actions. It's a product of being human. It's essential for the functioning of civilization. For example, when a guy robs a bank, we judge this to be wrong. But we don't judge his soul because that's the province of a higher authority.

This whole business of not "judging" is laughable...the product of a middle-school mentality. In fact, the people preaching it are some of the most judgmental on earth. Just listen to them as they put nasty labels on anyone disagreeing with them.
Ya bro.

Just a quick list of judging:

Abortion rights
Gay marriage
Not going to church enough
Not going to the correct church
Having a different religion
Having no religion
Not being “moral”

Uber religious folks are always concerned about what others are doing. No idea on your point about vaccines.
More judging.....

If you are against aborting hate women and women’s rights
If you are against gay marriage are a homophobe
If you have any are an anti science, stupid fool that believes in fairy tales and mythology.

Both sides judge. Seems we have achieved the state of ‘if you don’t agree 100% with me then you are an inferior human being’.
It seems like some of you ought to check out the Test board. It is so crazy over there ranging both sides of the spectrum that it becomes a guilty pleasure to visit and occasionally participate.
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More judging.....

If you are against aborting hate women and women’s rights
If you are against gay marriage are a homophobe
If you have any are an anti science, stupid fool that believes in fairy tales and mythology.

Both sides judge. Seems we have achieved the state of ‘if you don’t agree 100% with me then you are an inferior human being’.
see, you are only a 'hater' if you do not conform. today, the teachings common of all religions of respect, love, charity, and self-discipline are considered "hate".
Except for Dion, there was some good rational discussion. Hate, envy, judgemental spirit and stubbornness make communication impossible.
I am Italian.
Arguing is an art form in my very large clan. It is hard to overcome. It helps to stay away from cabke news.
Except for Dion, there was some good rational discussion. Hate, envy, judgemental spirit and stubbornness make communication impossible.
I am Italian.
Arguing is an art form in my very large clan. It is hard to overcome. It helps to stay away from cabke news.
What does you being Italian have to do with your ghostbusters allegory or anything else discussed here?

And I'm still a bit confused about exactly how we are supposed to feel about "cabke" news. What is that?

I am also confused as to your derogatory comments concerning other posters. Are those that disagree and display this "Hate, envy, judgemental spirit and stubbornness" - aren't they the ones that you most need to reach with your message? Why would you condemn those that most need you?