...by the woman who was assaulted by Jameis Winston (precipitating a 911 call that Free Shoes U and TPD essentially investigated to the extent that they could gather information to protect Free Shoes U starting QB and get him an attorney to protect him), it should be interesting how the most recent clear pattern of events impacts that case. Free Shoes U President John Thrasher sure does seem to have changed his sorry-azz tune -- gee Mr. Thrasher, why aren't you defending these fraud-student hired-mercenary punks while DENIGRATING and ASSASSINATING the characters of the VICTIMS??? Thrasher is going to have State Attorney Willie Meggs (the one who participated in saying Jameis Winston would never be properly investigated) was going to come and talk to the team and tell them they shouldn't commit criminal violence against women and that their is consequences to such actions???? Seriously Mr. Thrasher? You've got to be f'ing kidding me, so Free Shoes U's new excuse is that the kids didn't realize that they weren't allowed to do anything they damn well pleased and that the law doesn't apply to them? What a POS joker this Thrasher sounds like - I'm guessing Jameis Winston's victim and her family aren't in agreement with your bull$hit Mr. Thrasher - good luck with your Federal Law Suit they have filed against you and the University....LMFAO at this tool. See articles linked below:
Jameis Winston accuser sues FSU
Fisher, Thrasher pledge 'we will do better'
Jameis Winston accuser sues FSU
Fisher, Thrasher pledge 'we will do better'