These are always fun discussions. Let's compare teams from different era's (in this case, 1928 through 2016, or 89 years), with different number of weight classes (7 in 1928, increased several times to today's 10), different point schemes (3 wrestlers "placed" in 1928, gradually increased to 8 today and Placement scoring was 5-3-1 (in 1928), changing no fewer than 9 times, to today's 16-12-10-9-7-6-4-3), etc., etc., etc.
Still fun though, as the off-season can get a little slow...and reading the different fan base comments and perspective is interesting.
So guess I'll add a couple cents worth of comments;
The top-3 teams in the TOM article are the 3 at the top of the list all-time for winning margin at NCAA's; 1986 Iowa won by 73.75 Points, 1997 Iowa by 56.5, and 2005 Oklahoma State 70. Hard to argue with that if the measure is NCAA Championship performance, though #2 and #3 should be switched.
The 1941 Oklahoma State team's dominance (different era) wasn't nearly as clear, as the 1942, 1948, 1949, 1954, 1955, and 1956 Cowboy teams all had a greater margin of victory. Again, hard to compare era's, but the data doesn't suggest this team is even the best of its time.
And the 2001 Minny team, while novel with 10 AA's, only won by 13 Points, while their 2002 Championship Team won by 22.5. Does that mean the 2002 team was more dominant? And where-oh-where do they really place ALL-TIME?
The top-17 places all-time, just by winning margin, are owned by Iowa (12 of them), and Oklahoma State (5 of them). Penn State's 2012 team is 25th, while the 2 best Minnesota wins are way down the list (winning margin of 22.5 Points places them 29th in 2002 , and winning margin of 13 Points places them 48th in 2001).
I am going with the 1939 Cowboy team as the greatest ever!! Calculating the winning margin %, so we can compare different era's, this team had 175% more points than their nearest competitor (33 points to 12 points). In comparison, the 1986 Hawks only had 88% more points than 2nd Place (158 to 84.25)!!
Sorry all...can't help myself