Gotta love Rutgersal.

A Rutger's pre-season prediction thread wouldn't be the same without a prediction of a win over PSU. They never disappoint.
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Didn't he say a few years ago that Rutgers was going to be the usc or Alabama of the east?Two games are unwinable but away games at Psu and Michigan are winnable with their automatic three hundred yard Rent a qb and the greatest wideouts in the country.Three nfl caliber backs and on and on. Just give them the big championship and playoff berth now.We got no chance against such a juggernaut
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And trolling us with Maryland's new indoor facility? Precious.
Even most of the Rutgers posters think he's a nut job. In all fairness to Al, I can understand why he thinks PSU and UM are fair game for a victory since last year Rutgers was *this close* to winning both games. o_O
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RutgersAl is priceless. The Rutgers' posters comments were awesome! Just have fun, which is what he is (probably) doing! Then again, he may have just gotten out of a halfway house...
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Honestly, what's the harm? He's a true supporter of his team. No one is betting the mortgage money on his prognostications (well, maybe, these are Rutgres fans).
Let him be a fan.
Queue the "you have to be realistic" responses. (Hint, you don't. There are no consequences)
That's why I said, "You gotta love him."
Winning ten our respective lifetimes?

Maybe he was talking another sport.....wait, that won't work at Rutgers either.
Winning ten our respective lifetimes?

Maybe he was talking another sport.....wait, that won't work at Rutgers either.

If Rutgers wins ten games in football this season, I will crawl on my hands and knees from Chicagoland to wherever this Rutgers place is and shake Al's hand.