Great finish to Little League World Series Championship

The Spin Meister

Well-Known Member
Gold Member
Nov 27, 2012
An altered state
Didn’t see it all, just last two innings. Taipei was winning 1-0, bottom of sixth and final inning, two out, one on. Kid gets a hit to tie the game. Extra inning.

When I turned it on ….. top of seventh, runners on first and second, one out, Taipei’s best hitter up. Two quick strikes, them fouls off four straight, then a pop up foul for an out. Next batter fouls out on fourth pitch.

Florida doesn’t score, onto eighth. Taipei doesn’t score in their half. Florida comes up and, like in pros, they start with a runner on second. Very first pitch the batter lays down a bunt on the first base line. Pitcher runs over picks up the ball and fires to first……. but no one covered first and ball rolls to outfield and the runner scores all the way from second with the winning run.

After a very brief celebration by the winners they all started hugging the heart broken players from Taipei. They were devastated, especially the pitcher.

Crazy…..hope someone posts video later.
Didn’t see it all, just last two innings. Taipei was winning 1-0, bottom of sixth and final inning, two out, one on. Kid gets a hit to tie the game. Extra inning.

When I turned it on ….. top of seventh, runners on first and second, one out, Taipei’s best hitter up. Two quick strikes, them fouls off four straight, then a pop up foul for an out. Next batter fouls out on fourth pitch.

Florida doesn’t score, onto eighth. Taipei doesn’t score in their half. Florida comes up and, like in pros, they start with a runner on second. Very first pitch the batter lays down a bunt on the first base line. Pitcher runs over picks up the ball and fires to first……. but no one covered first and ball rolls to outfield and the runner scores all the way from second with the winning run.

After a very brief celebration by the winners they all started hugging the heart broken players from Taipei. They were devastated, especially the pitcher.

Crazy…..hope someone posts video later.
I really liked watching those Florida kids play all series long; they were a colorful bunch and comported themselves with class. I was very happy for them.

That was the U.S.’s sixth consecutive victory in the Championship game.
Didn’t see it all, just last two innings. Taipei was winning 1-0, bottom of sixth and final inning, two out, one on. Kid gets a hit to tie the game. Extra inning.

When I turned it on ….. top of seventh, runners on first and second, one out, Taipei’s best hitter up. Two quick strikes, them fouls off four straight, then a pop up foul for an out. Next batter fouls out on fourth pitch.

Florida doesn’t score, onto eighth. Taipei doesn’t score in their half. Florida comes up and, like in pros, they start with a runner on second. Very first pitch the batter lays down a bunt on the first base line. Pitcher runs over picks up the ball and fires to first……. but no one covered first and ball rolls to outfield and the runner scores all the way from second with the winning run.

After a very brief celebration by the winners they all started hugging the heart broken players from Taipei. They were devastated, especially the pitcher.

Crazy…..hope someone posts video later.
Sounds pretty sloppy. Pitcher should have known better. and where was the communication between the first and second base persons? Bad coaching. Fire them all.
Didn’t see it all, just last two innings. Taipei was winning 1-0, bottom of sixth and final inning, two out, one on. Kid gets a hit to tie the game. Extra inning.

When I turned it on ….. top of seventh, runners on first and second, one out, Taipei’s best hitter up. Two quick strikes, them fouls off four straight, then a pop up foul for an out. Next batter fouls out on fourth pitch.

Florida doesn’t score, onto eighth. Taipei doesn’t score in their half. Florida comes up and, like in pros, they start with a runner on second. Very first pitch the batter lays down a bunt on the first base line. Pitcher runs over picks up the ball and fires to first……. but no one covered first and ball rolls to outfield and the runner scores all the way from second with the winning run.

After a very brief celebration by the winners they all started hugging the heart broken players from Taipei. They were devastated, especially the pitcher.

Crazy…..hope someone posts video later.
I watched from the 6th inning on. Great game. I was shocked Taiwann's team made such a fundamental error.
Their players seem overwhelmed with grief.
Didn’t see it all, just last two innings. Taipei was winning 1-0, bottom of sixth and final inning, two out, one on. Kid gets a hit to tie the game. Extra inning.

When I turned it on ….. top of seventh, runners on first and second, one out, Taipei’s best hitter up. Two quick strikes, them fouls off four straight, then a pop up foul for an out. Next batter fouls out on fourth pitch.

Florida doesn’t score, onto eighth. Taipei doesn’t score in their half. Florida comes up and, like in pros, they start with a runner on second. Very first pitch the batter lays down a bunt on the first base line. Pitcher runs over picks up the ball and fires to first……. but no one covered first and ball rolls to outfield and the runner scores all the way from second with the winning run.

After a very brief celebration by the winners they all started hugging the heart broken players from Taipei. They were devastated, especially the pitcher.

Crazy…..hope someone posts video later.
I tuned it on when the game was in the sixth inning. Great rally by Florida to tie and the the Taiwanese team made that fundamental mistake in extra innings to give Florida the title. Great game. The Taiwanese kids seemd overwhelmed with sadness in their loss.
I watched from the 6th inning on. Great game. I was shocked Taiwann's team made such a fundamental error.
Their players seem overwhelmed with grief.

I tuned it on when the game was in the sixth inning. Great rally by Florida to tie and the the Taiwanese team made that fundamental mistake in extra innings to give Florida the title. Great game. The Taiwanese kids seemd overwhelmed with sadness in their loss.
Gonna be a long flight home……☹️
Sounds pretty sloppy. Pitcher should have known better. and where was the communication between the first and second base persons? Bad coaching. Fire them all.
Taipei was very fundamentally sound…that was their first major mistake in the whole tournament. The pitcher should not have thrown it, but when you’re used to your guy being there all the time, you likely don’t think too much about it.
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Very surprised to see a Taiwan team make such an elementary fundamental mistake. I’m sure that with the runner on second, they were aware of a bunt possibility. Hopefully the second baseman is allowed back in the country.
The better team won. Florida had a deeper lineup and more pitching depth. Florida had base runners throughout the game but couldn’t get a clutch hit until the sixth inning. That Taiwan team had a very underwhelming offense. The Texas team, if they had been healthy, would’ve beaten them too.
I think Florida left like 9 guys on base before they finally scored. And it’s nice to see Taipei actually show up with 12 year olds instead of the 15 and 16 year olds they used to show up with. This was the first tournament I’ve seen where all the players for all the teams looked like legit 12 year olds. Now they need to do a better job of enforcing the residential guidelines to stop some of these teams from miraculously making the tournament year after year.
I think Florida left like 9 guys on base before they finally scored. And it’s nice to see Taipei actually show up with 12 year olds instead of the 15 and 16 year olds they used to show up with. This was the first tournament I’ve seen where all the players for all the teams looked like legit 12 year olds. Now they need to do a better job of enforcing the residential guidelines to stop some of these teams from miraculously making the tournament year after year.
I believe that I saw on the broadcast that Taiwan hasn’t won it since 1996 or something like that, yet they’ve won something like 16 championships. That tells me that they obviously were doing something suspicious in previous seasons to have won a lot of those championships.
I believe that I saw on the broadcast that Taiwan hasn’t won it since 1996 or something like that, yet they’ve won something like 16 championships. That tells me that they obviously were doing something suspicious in previous seasons to have won a lot of those championships.
I watched a lot of those games and those kids easily looked 16 years old. There’s no legitimate way one area should dominate like that….thats just not how Little League works….talented groups come and go unless there’s some fishy recruiting or something else going on.
I think Florida left like 9 guys on base before they finally scored. And it’s nice to see Taipei actually show up with 12 year olds instead of the 15 and 16 year olds they used to show up with. This was the first tournament I’ve seen where all the players for all the teams looked like legit 12 year olds. Now they need to do a better job of enforcing the residential guidelines to stop some of these teams from miraculously making the tournament year after year.

There was a situation during the winning bunt where some big black dude stood near, I believe, the Taipei 3B ... he looked like the kid's daddy .... when the kid was 5. I think the big black dude was giving him a conciliatory hug, like "hey, don't worry, in 20 years, you'll be my size and then you might have a chance to win a 12U tourney."

At 38 seconds.

It's ridiculous to have this tournament at 46/60. They should be embarrassed. Instead, they celebrate it. This is why the majority of folks have moved to Cal Ripken by this age. Little League is embarrassing.
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The silliness here is in the difference in adolescent development. Both my kids were nearly fully grown by 12. They were beasts. The older one has barely grown since then. At age 13, my oldest son was the fastest thrower in the region. At age 16, a kid who was a tick behind him now throws 95+, because he's now grown from 6'0" to 6'7," while my son is a touch above 80. It's utterly stupid to celebrate this age, because it's almost entirely based on fast maturers, rather than skill.

This is why most folks have moved beyond Little League, except for parents of kids at this age in towns stuck in time ... and oldenheimers longing for Little League dreams.
The silliness here is in the difference in adolescent development. Both my kids were nearly fully grown by 12. They were beasts. The older one has barely grown since then. At age 13, my oldest son was the fastest thrower in the region. At age 16, a kid who was a tick behind him now throws 95+, because he's now grown from 6'0" to 6'7," while my son is a touch above 80. It's utterly stupid to celebrate this age, because it's almost entirely based on fast maturers, rather than skill.

This is why most folks have moved beyond Little League, except for parents of kids at this age in towns stuck in time ... and oldenheimers longing for Little League dreams.
I coached a lot of youth baseball and never saw a fast maturer with no skill excel at baseball. I saw tall kids with no skill do pretty well in basketball and I saw big kids with no skill do well in football….but I never saw a big kid with no skill do well in baseball.
There was a situation during the winning bunt where some big black dude stood near, I believe, the Taipei 3B ... he looked like the kid's daddy .... when the kid was 5. I think the big black dude was giving him a conciliatory hug, like "hey, don't worry, in 20 years, you'll be my size and then you might have a chance to win a 12U tourney."

At 38 seconds.

It's ridiculous to have this tournament at 46/60. They should be embarrassed. Instead, they celebrate it. This is why the majority of folks have moved to Cal Ripken by this age. Little League is embarrassing.
They should be embarassed? Get a grip.
I coached a lot of youth baseball and never saw a fast maturer with no skill excel at baseball. I saw tall kids with no skill do pretty well in basketball and I saw big kids with no skill do well in football….but I never saw a big kid with no skill do well in baseball.
OK, and? No one was talking about "no skill." Everybody who is playing baseball has some skill. But the great differentiator at that age is physical maturation. Not just size, but musculature and coordination. The 6'0" 180 lb. early grower kid with mediocre skill will dominate the highly skilled 5'0" 100 lb kid who hasn't hit puberty.
They should be embarassed? Get a grip.
Yes ... it's why most folks have moved away from it. These physical monsters (for that age) shouldn't be playing on fields where they can hit pop-ups out of the park (and hit absolute lasers at kids standing less than 46 feet away from them). Most places transition the kids to, at least, 50/70 by age 12 (often times the better kids move to that by age 11). It's been interesting watching those kids then struggle the next year or two as their "HRs" suddenly become lazy pop outs when they transition to the big field (with some rare exceptions ... some superbeasts further mature and then can go yard the following year, using even wood bats).

When I was that age, I put a kid in the hospital with a shattered eye socket (ambulance onto the field and all that) at 3B (not even the pitcher) at an All-Star game - just a laser and he couldn't get his glove up in time. My older son almost killed 2 separate 1B with rockets (one hit off the front of the cleat, saving the kid ... the other had his glove in front of him and luckily it hit that, instead of his chest - he didn't even have time to open the glove - it just hit it while it was closed). My younger son almost had his leg shattered (had a basketball-sized deep, deep "galaxy" bruise on his thigh for months - no clue how the bone didn't break) when some absolute beast 11 year old (over 6 ft and over 200 lbs, with the fastest bat I've ever seen at that age - he was recording 95+ mph exit velos at age 13) rocketed one down the 3B line and my son, a baserunner, couldn't get out of the way in time (he was playing up in age in the fall).
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OK, and? No one was talking about "no skill." Everybody who is playing baseball has some skill. But the great differentiator at that age is physical maturation. Not just size, but musculature and coordination. The 6'0" 180 lb. early grower kid with mediocre skill will dominate the highly skilled 5'0" 100 lb kid who hasn't hit puberty.
They might hit more home runs, but they’re not automatically going to better hitters or better pitchers or better fielders. Most of the kids are similar in size…you occasionally get an outlier, but that’s no different than any other sport.
Yes ... it's why most folks have moved away from it. These physical monsters (for that age) shouldn't be playing on fields where they can hit pop-ups out of the park (and hit absolute lasers at kids standing less than 46 feet away from them). Most places transition the kids to, at least, 50/70 by age 12 (often times the better kids move to that by age 11). It's been interesting watching those kids then struggle the next year or two as their "HRs" suddenly become lazy pop outs when they transition to the big field (with some rare exceptions ... some superbeasts further mature and then can go yard the following year, using even wood bats).

When I was that age, I put a kid in the hospital with a shattered eye socket (ambulance onto the field and all that) at 3B (not even the pitcher) at an All-Star game - just a laser and he couldn't get his glove up in time. My older son almost killed 2 separate 1B with rockets (one hit off the front of the cleat, saving the kid ... the other had his glove in front of him and luckily it hit that, instead of his chest - he didn't even have time to open the glove - it just hit it while it was closed). My younger son almost had his leg shattered (had a basketball-sized deep, deep "galaxy" bruise on his thigh for months - no clue how the bone didn't break) when some absolute beast 11 year old (over 6 ft and over 200 lbs, with the fastest bat I've ever seen at that age - he was recording 95+ mph exit velos at age 13) rocketed one down the 3B line and my son, a baserunner, couldn't get out of the way in time (he was playing up in age in the fall).
“Most places” don’t transition them away because they don’t have the fields to do it. Pretty much every city and town have Little League sized fields and high school sized fields…not many have intermediate fields.

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