Happy 4th of July


Well-Known Member
Gold Member
Aug 21, 2001
Off you get a chance, read the Declaration of Independence. No better document has ever been written IMHO.
Off you get a chance, read the Declaration of Independence. No better document has ever been written IMHO.

It's hard for me to be "happy" in the current circumstances of our country, but I appreciate the thought.

That aside, no question, the Declaration is a document for the ages and one of the most influential statements ever written by human hand.

Comparing its depth and eloquence with the superficial drivel that passes for public discourse today, it's hard not to see a striking regression in the quality of character and thinking over the last 250 or so years. Ironic as hell, given the tendency in fashionable circles to dump on the heroes of our nation's past as unenlightened...or worse.

The men who penned the Declaration put their finger on the defining question of their time...and ours as well: are people and governments the source of rights and truth or do they originate in a higher power? The Founders provided a ringing answer to that question in the Preamble. It's an answer that conflicts with the fake wisdom of our own day...but that says more about us than about them...and also explains the mess we're in.
It's hard for me to be "happy" in the current circumstances of our country, but I appreciate the thought.

That aside, no question, the Declaration is a document for the ages and one of the most influential statements ever written by human hand.

Comparing its depth and eloquence with the superficial drivel that passes for public discourse today, it's hard not to see a striking regression in the quality of character and thinking over the last 250 or so years. Ironic as hell, given the tendency in fashionable circles to dump on the heroes of our nation's past as unenlightened...or worse.

The men who penned the Declaration put their finger on the defining question of their time...and ours as well: are people and governments the source of rights and truth or do they originate in a higher power? The Founders provided a ringing answer to that question in the Preamble. It's an answer that conflicts with the fake wisdom of our own day...but that says more about us than about them...and also explains the mess we're in.
Well we had -250 good years due to those fellas.
Off you get a chance, read the Declaration of Independence. No better document has ever been written IMHO.
Today, thanking Jesus, the author of eternal liberty. I am also thankful for the founding fathers for their vision for our nation that has grown by making mistakes and working to correct them. Let us not forgt the sacrifices of military personnel, EMTs, police, and firefighters who have given their lives to preserve life and liberty. Those of us who have been to war, lived or traveled abroad understand what we have and the vital importance of trying to maintain it even with our diverse political and religious differences.
Well we had -250 good years due to those fellas.

Those fellas were geniuses, no question, and founded the greatest nation in the history of this planet. (Granted, that may be a biased view on my part.)

The 250 years were not all good. Some were pretty rocky. But for most of that period, through good times and bad, the dream survived and the ideals were honored.

And then began a gradual process of breakdown, which has rapidly accelerated over the last 10 years or so...until we're now at a point where the large majority of the citizenry believes their nation is on the wrong track and no longer has any confidence at all in our basic institutions of governance.

That's a serious problem, and it can't be solved by waving the flag, singing patriotic ballads, or saying "thank you for your service" to our veterans, who are more and more being used not to serve the interests of the nation but rather to advance the agenda of corrupt elites. (And you wonder why there's a recruiting crisis.)

Sorry, don't want to rain on the parade. Put the hot dogs on the grill...set off the fireworks...but don't kid yourself as to the hard reality of America's situation in the Year of Our Lord 2024. (I'm referring not to "you" personally, Obli, but rather to all of us.)