I'm shocked it's 11:15 and nobody has posted this yet. Although I must admit my wife told me about it.
Anyway, Happy National Drink Beer Day!
Anyway, Happy National Drink Beer Day!
I'll celebrate this evening by having several glasses of Kim Crawford sauvignon blanc.I'm shocked it's 11:15 and nobody has posted this yet. Although I must admit my wife told me about it.
Anyway, Happy National Drink Beer Day!
Love it! I started getting ready for NBD about 40 years ago!Here I thought it was yesterday ... and the day before that ... and the day before that ...
Come to think of it, I thought it was tomorrow ... and the day after that ... and the day after that ...
Augustinerbraü. Always.Octoberfest beers - which is your favorite?
I’m drinking Yeungling Octoberfest and it’s pretty good. Any opinions on Sam Adams?
Hey Baby
Isn't Octoberfest almost over in Germany/ Deutschland? Nevermind they cancelled it this year."OK to Beer"