HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED.......dogs prefer to poop north/south and NEVER directly east/west

I found that video interesting, I hope there is a sequel to this concerning the phenomena of
the poop always seems to flow down and not sideways!
wonder if Sir Isaac Newton has an explanation?

Do road apples also lay in a north-south direction when the originator is traveling east-west?

This may explain why I slightly lean sideway, the room spins and occasionally miss the toilet bowl after a long, extended cocktail hour. Magnetic field!
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Total nonsense. My dog poops in every orientation possible. When you're not a particularly good scientist, you don't get picked to do the important work, so you're left trying to figure out dog poop.
I have a sheltie and their poops are so annoying...rather than just pooping...they like to drop a nugget here and a nugget there all over the place....not one single pile. I have never owned another dog quite like the sheltie when it comes to pooping.