He is . . . the most interesting (157 pound) man in the world


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2017
The "Wolf" (aka Nolf) is going to tear off Micah Jordan's arm and take him down with it. An ankle pick with his opponent's limb. He is already working on this motionless move while he sleeps under a desert cactus and chews on raw buckeye meat . Rumor has it that a rattlesnake once bit him during practice and after 3 days of pain, the snake died. Nolf's feet don't get blisters in the hot sweaty room, but his wrestling shoes do. He gives bear hugs to bears rather than to unranked opponents, and he can kill two stones with one bird (especially an Iowa Hawk). Nolf is permitted to speak about Fight Club. He is left-handed AND right-handed AND also no handed when he rides and pins former champions.
He is . . . the most interesting 157 pound man in the world.
The Zain Pain Train once slipped in and rode ten legs on a poisonous Black Widow Spider and received back points while he tap danced with his two free limbs. He has parallel parked a competing 2 engine, 12 car train prior to a semi-final match at the Big Ten championships "just for fun". An opponent once shook hands with Zain, lay down on the mat, pinned himself, and then listed that on his job resume as his greatest lifetime achievement. Zain is also now known for crushing large killer whales in his arms ever since all the watermelons have fled to the sea for fear of urinating in their own rinds when they see him on the Benton farm.

He is . . . the most interesting 149 pound man in the world
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Some seriously funny stuff .. and yet still not close to what PD3 thinks of himself.
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The "Wolf" (aka Nolf) is going to tear off Micah Jordan's arm and take him down with it. An ankle pick with his opponent's limb. He is already working on this motionless move while he sleeps under a desert cactus and chews on raw buckeye meat . Rumor has it that a rattlesnake once bit him during practice and after 3 days of pain, the snake died. Nolf's feet don't get blisters in the hot sweaty room, but his wrestling shoes do. He gives bear hugs to bears rather than to unranked opponents, and he can kill two stones with one bird (especially an Iowa Hawk). Nolf is permitted to speak about Fight Club. He is left-handed AND right-handed AND also no handed when he rides and pins former champions.
He is . . . the most interesting 157 pound man in the world.
If he has trouble with Zain which he did big time. Nolf will TECH FALL or Pin him....Mark it down....
Mark Hall once hit a cement mixer on a six-wheeled, ten ton cement mixer! When his hand was raised in victory, quicksand poured out of the back of large truck to reveal the entire Ohio State team screaming and writhing in pain. He is . . . the most interesting 174-pound man in the world.
In preparing for his revenge match against Stanford, Vincenzo Joseph inside tripped a 300 foot Redwood Tree and as it fell, he chopped up the trunk of the tree with his bare hands to make wooden coffins for IMAR, Logan Massa, Chandler Rogers, Chance Marsteller, and Te'Shan Campbell.

He is . . . the most interesting 165 pound man in the world.
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Bo Nickal's arms are so long, strong, nimble and quick that he once deftly tied the shoelaces of the Brands brothers together at the same time he was picking both ankles of his Hawkeye opponent in order to earn an unprecedented four point takedown. After cradling Myles Martin and spladling Sammie Brooks, he is now prepared to "ladle" PD3 by lifting him high into the air, back-flipping off a hay bale, and landing the black-and-gold wrestler in a soupy stew of sweat on the mat.

He is the most interesting 184-pound man in the world.
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As a matter of fact our 125 pounder DOES beat Nico in the room, since, after all, his name is "No One"!

NO ONE beats Nico in the room.