Heading down to CONSOL to see PSU vs Robert Morris

Already here! I'll do updates for the Den, you take care of McAndrew!
PSU carrying play early but RmU got a lucky goal that bounced off back of goalies head. 1-0 RMU at 15 minute mark. Shots are PSU 7-3. RMU goalie with a couple good saves.
PSU carrying play early but RmU got a lucky goal that bounced off back of goalies head. 1-0 RMU at 15 minute mark. Shots are PSU 7-3. RMU goalie with a couple good saves.
RMU 1-0 after one. Shots PSU 21-7

IMO PSU has better team but RMU has more hustle & playing well. Entertaining game so far.
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So you're not there? Doesn't attending the opera and ballet get tedious?:)
No, tonight I'm reading the Illiad by Homer, in Greek. My Greek isn't the best. I'm much better at Latin. Anyway, between that, and my harp lessons, I get a bit tired, so I stop in here for a bit of relaxation.;)
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No, tonight I'm reading the Illiad by Homer, in Greek. My Greek isn't the best. I'm much better at Latin. Anyway, between that, and my harp lessons, I get a bit tired, so I stop in here for a bit of relaxation.;)
Ahhhh! I knew there was a logical explanation. :)
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Yes, and don't even get me started on tomorrow. Tomorrow is fencing lessons and Mandarin Chinese class.;)
So do you have any free time in which to squeeze in "transcendental yoga"?

I guess, life in the "city of culture" is nothing more than an unending series of sacrifices;)
So do you have any free time in which to squeeze in "transcendental yoga"?
I guess, life in the "city of culture" is nothing more than an unending series of sacrifices;)
Well, it could be difficult. I don't want to fall behind on my quest for a black belt in karate.;)
Postgame thoughts - Gadowsky better take a lesson that fire wagon hockey - while wildly entertaining much of the time - is not a way to win against the top teams on the schedule if this team wants to take the next step into post season play.

The mental errors by PSU defensively (which actually starts in the offensive zone) was excessive for a team that has so many good veteran players, and led to odd man break after odd man break for Robert Morris.

It was a pretty disappointing showing that could burst the bubble come March if PSU is trying to get into the tournament as an at large. Not only do we lose to RMU team that, while decent enough does not match PSU in top to bottom talent right now, but we miss a chance for a big win against UMASS-Lowell tomorrow, which would do wonders for schedule strength with the B1G being down.
Postgame thoughts - Gadowsky better take a lesson that fire wagon hockey - while wildly entertaining much of the time - is not a way to win against the top teams on the schedule if this team wants to take the next step into post season play.

The mental errors by PSU defensively (which actually starts in the offensive zone) was excessive for a team that has so many good veteran players, and led to odd man break after odd man break for Robert Morris.

It was a pretty disappointing showing that could burst the bubble come March if PSU is trying to get into the tournament as an at large. Not only do we lose to RMU team that, while decent enough does not match PSU in top to bottom talent right now, but we miss a chance for a big win against UMASS-Lowell tomorrow, which would do wonders for schedule strength with the B1G being down.
Not able to watch the game. Too "wide open" without pinching the neutral zone? It's difficult to win regularly without playing defense.
Not able to watch the game. Too "wide open" without pinching the neutral zone? It's difficult to win regularly without playing defense.

Some of the issues I noticed:

- At least one D consistently caught too deep with no adjustment by other D or high forward

- Irresponsible puck possession to limit the cross ice turnover in the offensive zone (they must be watching the Pens too much), which invariably leads to a quick transition and odd man break the other way. RMU feasted on this all game long.

- Overall lack of awareness in terms of how many guys we have trapped what that means when a shot puck goes wide to break RMU out (the backbreaker in this game came 4 on 4 and was a failure across the board by PSU). For every few great little things we did without reward, we made one colossal blunder that ended up in our net.

PSU is very talented offensively and the D zone itself was not all that bad. However, any time a team loves to open up the game they leave themselves extremely vulnerable to the counter punch when the other team can keep pace. RMU scores goals almost as well as PSU on the season. That Gadowsky kept wanting to get into the wide open game even after so many breakdowns through the first 25 minutes was a major error and something they can't repeat against teams like Michigan and Minnesota if they want to build a resume.
Some of the issues I noticed:

- At least one D consistently caught too deep with no adjustment by other D or high forward

- Irresponsible puck possession to limit the cross ice turnover in the offensive zone (they must be watching the Pens too much), which invariably leads to a quick transition and odd man break the other way. RMU feasted on this all game long.

- Overall lack of awareness in terms of how many guys we have trapped what that means when a shot puck goes wide to break RMU out (the backbreaker in this game came 4 on 4 and was a failure across the board by PSU). For every few great little things we did without reward, we made one colossal blunder that ended up in our net.

PSU is very talented offensively and the D zone itself was not all that bad. However, any time a team loves to open up the game they leave themselves extremely vulnerable to the counter punch when the other team can keep pace. RMU scores goals almost as well as PSU on the season. That Gadowsky kept wanting to get into the wide open game even after so many breakdowns through the first 25 minutes was a major error and something they can't repeat against teams like Michigan and Minnesota if they want to build a resume.

good analysis. PSU had the puck the majority of the time & had many more shots/chances, but they made too many mistakes/turnovers & RMU capitalized on them.
Just got home. Great job of breaking it down by @VaNtyLion. Tonight was a really good opportunity lost for exactly the reasons mentioned - really gums up the works for getting an at-large bid.

Disappointed with the effort in the second period. Endless turnovers and we were definitely a step slow. God wee give up a ton of rebounds. McAdam was all right, we gave him zero help. In fairness to Morris, they're pretty good, good speed, good size, their goaltender was outstanding and they outplayed us all the way. They earned the W fair and square.

Nothing to do now but beat Clarkson and get ready for back-to-back home series next month. We're going to have to do a lot of winning though to make up for tonight.

@capkrokus Good posts, sounds like you know some hockey and love the game. Need to hear from you more often!
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