Okay, acknowledge this, if Y'all can. I've been a PSU fan since conception in '91, and also a Flyers fan since the 05' era. Any sympathy for rooting for both teams during a historically bad era? IK the Flyers weren't awful in the Lindros era but they weren't very great either. I liken this to the PSU struggles post '94 and post 05'. They weren't awful, still top 50 as a team but man, a 6-4 score against Iowa put a damper on my/our generation. This later resurgence has instilled me with hope, but man...to see the Pen's be so lucky for so long, and the Flyers/PSU football be on the adverse end of luck for such a developmental period of my life I understand why such rooting interests have been overshadowed by others such as the Pens and Caps and challenged by Pitt. Lets be honest, we know State and their on field performance is better and will be better than Pitt's for the decade to come. But man, I struggle with the degradation of the Flyers fans by Pens fans who root for the Pens and State. I have nothing against such fans but man, such fans had it good. PSU and Flyer fans had/have not have it good in a while. At least Pens fans had a solid to very good professional regional program to fall back on as a rooting interest. My point is that the PSU/Flyer fan has endured quite the down period. That said, State is gonna do damage and put on quite the show this fall. Tougher schedule, more wins, and more respect nationally. I cannot wait. (plus can't wait for the NHL draft!)