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It takes a brave politician to take away welfare benefits from voters. But that’s exactly what 26 governors, almost exclusively Republicans, have done. In their states, these governors prematurely ended the federal government’s “temporary” pandemic supplement to unemployment benefits that was otherwise set to continue through September. They’ve received tremendous backlash for this move, but a new report resoundingly vindicates their decision.
Under the broken expanded system Congress created, millions of workers could earn more by staying home on welfare than by returning to work. Indeed, in dozens of states, unemployed households can receive the equivalent of $25/hour in benefits. The work disincentives here were obvious from the get-go and have fueled widespread reports from businesses facing labor shortages.
It’s just not hard to figure out. Even the equivalent of 1.8 million unemployed people themselves openly admitted in recent polling that they are choosing to stay home from work because unemployment benefits pay so generously. (The real figure is likely even higher, as people tend to underreport socially undesirable behavior to pollsters.)
But Democratic politicians have largely refused to acknowledge the existence of any labor disincentive from this welfare expansion — and neoliberal economists have insisted that “the data” do not back up the fundamental truism that financially disincentivizing work discourages work. Yet, a new report from the fiscally conservative Foundation for Government Accountability compiles the data and comprehensively demonstrates that Republican governors made the right call.
It takes a brave politician to take away welfare benefits from voters. But that’s exactly what 26 governors, almost exclusively Republicans, have done. In their states, these governors prematurely ended the federal government’s “temporary” pandemic supplement to unemployment benefits that was otherwise set to continue through September. They’ve received tremendous backlash for this move, but a new report resoundingly vindicates their decision.
Under the broken expanded system Congress created, millions of workers could earn more by staying home on welfare than by returning to work. Indeed, in dozens of states, unemployed households can receive the equivalent of $25/hour in benefits. The work disincentives here were obvious from the get-go and have fueled widespread reports from businesses facing labor shortages.
It’s just not hard to figure out. Even the equivalent of 1.8 million unemployed people themselves openly admitted in recent polling that they are choosing to stay home from work because unemployment benefits pay so generously. (The real figure is likely even higher, as people tend to underreport socially undesirable behavior to pollsters.)
But Democratic politicians have largely refused to acknowledge the existence of any labor disincentive from this welfare expansion — and neoliberal economists have insisted that “the data” do not back up the fundamental truism that financially disincentivizing work discourages work. Yet, a new report from the fiscally conservative Foundation for Government Accountability compiles the data and comprehensively demonstrates that Republican governors made the right call.