After sleeping for roughly 25 of the past 48 hours, I'm back at it. lol
Sorry for going away during such a busy time. At the same time, for those that have followed me over the years, you know that when I go away, schools always have a big week, so maybe you should thank me? lol JK
I'll be working on Q&A's with the recent commits later this week. Dalton is looking to be left alone following a slew of interviews, but I should get him later in the week. If you're looking for any specific questions with him, let me know.
I'm also chipping away at the offers board. I've been doing that a bit this afternoon. I posted updates on a few defensive backs and d-lineman. I'll have other updates then as well.
But yeah, sorry for being MIA the past few days. I'm back to somewhat normalcy now.
Sorry for going away during such a busy time. At the same time, for those that have followed me over the years, you know that when I go away, schools always have a big week, so maybe you should thank me? lol JK
I'll be working on Q&A's with the recent commits later this week. Dalton is looking to be left alone following a slew of interviews, but I should get him later in the week. If you're looking for any specific questions with him, let me know.
I'm also chipping away at the offers board. I've been doing that a bit this afternoon. I posted updates on a few defensive backs and d-lineman. I'll have other updates then as well.
But yeah, sorry for being MIA the past few days. I'm back to somewhat normalcy now.