Hillsborough: Let us never forget.

is that where UNC is playing its first game?

close to Chapel Hill
So sad. Espn did a great 30 for 30 on that
Makes you think about every stadium or building you go into
A family member of mine died in the Rhode Island nightclub fire
Station Nightclub fire - that was brutal

Not many people paid much attention at the time. I've seen the video taken by the cameraman doing, coincidentally, a fire safety video of the club that night. Surviving that was all luck and situational awareness - if you were in the bathroom when it sparked - no chance; if you waited even 15-20 seconds to turn and immediately go to the exits thinking the fire would be put out, you were in mortal danger. What a calamity. My sincere condolences.

Those nightclub owners were a total disgrace. About the only culpable person who acted with any sense of decency and accepted blame was the only person who went to jail. (Edit - looks like one of the Derdarians did plead no contest and served a few years)

Sad Effin' story.

This post was edited on 3/16 9:50 PM by Chickenman Testa
Biechele was admirable in the aftermath of that fire

Biechele screwed up and was culpable, no doubt. But it was admirable how he recognized that and admitted it. Those Derderian brothers meanwhile, what a disgrace.

That event conditioned me: anytime I'm in a crowded room or such, I look for the fire exits. You never know. Seconds mean everything there and you HAVE to have situational awareness. The site of the old Beverly Hills Supper Club is just down the street from me: that was another horrible event of the same sort from the 1970s.
Great post - agree with all of it

Biechele admittance was in the face of his lawyer telling him to admit nothing. I wish more people acted in that manner - act against one's best interests, but in the interests of the community.

I hear you on checking for exits. After all these incidents - often aided by owners who seal off exits to keep people from skipping out on bills, they still happen. I think of the Coconut Grove every time I see revolving doors.

There looks to be an interesting book on the subject - "Killer Show". It's written by the main plaintiffs attorney. I need to read it. I'm surprised they've never made a movie of it. It's got great elements for a movie - even as tragic as it was.
"Killer Show" is a fascinating book, I definitely recommend it

It's kind of "all over the place" --- a portion of the book is a strict narrative of that night, another portion is Rhode Island politics, another portion is the trials, another portion is about fire science, et cetera, et cetera.

But all those varied subjects are fascinating. One learns a whole lot in the book.

Side note: I went to the Pinstripe Bowl. I stayed on the 16th floor of a Hilton Garden Inn on 34th Street the night before. 2:45 AM that Saturday and I'm awoken by the fire alarms. I was out my hotel room door in 5 seconds, literally no time for clothes, I'm leaving in my t-shirt and a pair of long underwear for "bottoms." I grabbed my coat and shoes which I always[/I] leave by my hotel room door when I travel, "just in case."

A lot of other folk on my floor and throughout the hotel were like "is this real, what do I do, should I leave, do I have to walk down 14 flights of stairs, I gotta get dressed first." Are you kidding me?!?!?!? Just go ---- immediately. You never know when seconds are precious. (there actually WAS a small electrical fire in the basement of the hotel)
This post was edited on 3/16 9:53 PM by michnittlion
I love books like that - like the Perfect Storm

You learn about what may have killed the fishermen, but you also learn about wave mechanics, geography, etc.