Hitler reacts to wrestling


Well-Known Member
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Anyone have a link to the video posted last night rr; Hitler reacts to OSU losing? Thanks
I've been avoiding that meme for awhile because it's pretty played, but Hitler blaming Lemon Pie is inspired.
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These are so cringe-worthy, but as an unbiased party, they’re painful and humorous at the same time. It plays to the personalities on the boards well. I don’t exactly condone the usage of the mad hitler meme, but these have been comical.

Problem is people take it TOOOO seriously.
The problem for some of us is that a rough understanding of German makes it hard to suspend disbelief. :)

I would have captioned it something like, "I should have made you cut even more weight! Not feed my people at all, just like STALIN!"
I don’t exactly condone the usage of the mad hitler meme

I agree. I've done two of them now, this one and the Brooks recruiting one. There are no other options (more than 1 minute) on the caption generator I used and if there was, the last thing I would use is the Hitler one.

These will be the last 2 I ever do unless some other options become available. Hitler was a real POS
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