How Democrats can win noncollege voters without giving in to racism
The article discusses how democrats can win without shouting RACISM as every counterpoint..... My God. These people are vile.
I've said it so many times before. It is in the best interest of the democratic party to keep RACISM alive and well, and now, THEY ADMIT IT.......
Democrats truly are the party of division and hate.
The diploma divide has been extensively documented: Democrats lose, or win only narrowly, because noncollege voters of all races are moving right. Progressives often assume that attracting noncollege voters means pandering to racism. New research shows that this is false.
Racism is definitely part of the picture: racial resentment was highly predictive of voting for Trump in 2016. But that’s not why he won, a new study shows. He won because he also attracted a much larger group of voters with moderate levels of racial resentment. A prior study found that 2016, 19 percent of Trump voters polled as “anti-elites” with moderate views on race, immigration, gay marriage and the environment. If Democrats could peel off even a modest percentage of anti-elites, they could win handily in both presidential and congressional elections.