Economy: Median household income is up more than 4%, the economy is growing fast, optimism is at decades long highs. Not that you'd know it, since the press is too busy trying to drive President Trump from office...
Perhaps that's why polls are showing the public's mood better than it's been in many years. Examples:
But instead of heralding this news, the mainstream press either ignores, downplays or tries to explain it away. As we noted in this space recently, The New York Times and others keep trying to claim that the current boom was simply the continuation of growth set in motion during the Obama years.
There's a simple reason for this. The press is singularly fixated on bringing down Trump at all costs. Since good economic news will help Trump, it must be overlooked.
Perhaps that's why polls are showing the public's mood better than it's been in many years. Examples:
- The IBD/TIPP Economic Optimism Index surged to a 14-year high in August. (The September reading comes out next week.) The IBD/TIPP poll also found that Americans are more satisfied with the direction of the country than they've been since 2005.
- The Conference Board's Consumer Confidence Index just reached an 18-year high at 133.4. The month before Trump won the election in November 2016, it was 98.6.
- The Conference Board also reports that job satisfaction is the highest it's been since 2005.
- A survey by Express Employment finds that blue collar workers are more upbeat about the direction of the economy than the general public.
But instead of heralding this news, the mainstream press either ignores, downplays or tries to explain it away. As we noted in this space recently, The New York Times and others keep trying to claim that the current boom was simply the continuation of growth set in motion during the Obama years.
There's a simple reason for this. The press is singularly fixated on bringing down Trump at all costs. Since good economic news will help Trump, it must be overlooked.