How about this umpire calling the plate for the Bucco's...


Well-Known Member
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
The Cards pitcher's Dad must be managing the umpire union's pension fund.....

His strike zone is 2 plates wide for the Bucco's and regular width for the Cards....
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CANNON BALL!! Clear the deck. Ump finally makes him throw strikes and Walker goes deep.

5-2 Bucco's.
All year, or just since you hopped on the bandwagon....?
Just kidding.....
Greg, you, and others, keep confusing me with someone else. I am THE fairgambit. The one who has been a hard core Bucco fan since day 1. I think a large part of this is the result of those cheatin' Cards taking over my computer and putting out some anti-Pirate stuff in my name. I've traced this back a couple of years. Oh, they are dastardly. Anyway, I took it to a computer geek and he got rid of the Cardinal virus, so everything from now through the World Series will be directly from me.:)