This is for @2lion70 .... From the leftwing rag The Nation.
Gen Z had a chance to evaluate life under Trump and Biden, and they chose Trump because IT WAS BETTER under Trump. Let that sink in Boomer.
But when Biden’s administration burst into flames, it marked the first time since Jimmy Carter that voters our age came to know Democrats through an administration under which their standard of living declined. And when retrospective evaluations of Trump’s first term turned positive, it marked the first time since Reagan that young voters could look back on a Republican administration they knew that wasn’t abjectly hated. The dynamic that had dominated the way that people our age had understood politics for 20 years had been completely reversed for us. Operating with the limited frame of reference available to us, we then swung strongly toward the same exact candidate that people our age rejected decisively in the prior two elections.
Gen Z had a chance to evaluate life under Trump and Biden, and they chose Trump because IT WAS BETTER under Trump. Let that sink in Boomer.
But when Biden’s administration burst into flames, it marked the first time since Jimmy Carter that voters our age came to know Democrats through an administration under which their standard of living declined. And when retrospective evaluations of Trump’s first term turned positive, it marked the first time since Reagan that young voters could look back on a Republican administration they knew that wasn’t abjectly hated. The dynamic that had dominated the way that people our age had understood politics for 20 years had been completely reversed for us. Operating with the limited frame of reference available to us, we then swung strongly toward the same exact candidate that people our age rejected decisively in the prior two elections.