How did they do it?


Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2017
I was explaining to a friend that I thought CJ out chain wrestled his last three opponents and Hall made his last two matches about who had ice water in the last period knowing he would have the cooler head. How do you think they (anybody from Mark Schultz v Ed Bannach to Bo v Dean) did it ?
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No idea how Cenzo won. Certainly not because of coaching. And Hall lacks a variety of attacks, so he must have just gotten incredibly lucky.
Hall is a graduate of stall camp and has proven its efficacy. The applications are pouring in. Cenzo caught Imar in the midst of one of his classic lie with your forehead on the mat come from behind victories.
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bad referee in Halls match? We all saw the picture, had to have been a TD/reversal. Even Tom Ryan thinks so, so it must be true:rolleyes:
I know you're joking, by the rolling eyes emoticon...but there is some truth to what's being said. That specific call could have gone either way with the current rules (or lack of), AND then there's the whole checking-your-own-work thing.

I won't judge whether it was called right/wrong, because that position is not shown in the rulebook. I'm just saying it's a tough spot to put a referee in.

With all due respect to Mr. Ryan...he's in a position of responsibility and authority, and was seriously lacking in his leadership skills when he took to twitter like he did. Came across petty and whiny to me. He can be a conduit for change, behind the scenes, and be more positive with his tweets.
I know you're joking, by the rolling eyes emoticon...but there is some truth to what's being said. That specific call could have gone either way with the current rules (or lack of), AND then there's the whole checking-your-own-work thing.

I won't judge whether it was called right/wrong, because that position is not shown in the rulebook. I'm just saying it's a tough spot to put a referee in.

With all due respect to Mr. Ryan...he's in a position of responsibility and authority, and was seriously lacking in his leadership skills when he took to twitter like he did. Came across petty and whiny to me. He can be a conduit for change, behind the scenes, and be more positive with his tweets.
As for Roar's last paragraph, given his status as the "Eminence Grise" of this board and surely the most sober and mature member among us, his criticism of Tom Ryan is roughly equivalent to one of our meme/gif-filled bitch slaps. That is, Roar just figuratively launched himself from the top rope.

I like it.
bad referee in Halls match? We all saw the picture, had to have been a TD/reversal. Even Tom Ryan thinks so, so it must be true:rolleyes:
Watching the action as opposed to the still shots I understand the beef from an OSU standpoint. And I think the call hinged upon control. Bojo was never actually in control of the action as Hall was MOVING through a fairly unique finish. Props to the refs for acknowledging the sophistication of the exchange.
P.S. Try doing what Hall did to turn that corner without 185 pounds of BoJo on you. I have ( you know the send out your knee then pivot on the opposite leg) it's impossible
I also liked the call in in Bo's match. He stuck the leg in for two but at the same time Dean gave up what was left of his whizzer. Tough close calls on each!
Watching the action as opposed to the still shots I understand the beef from an OSU standpoint. And I think the call hinged upon control. Bojo was never actually in control of the action as Hall was MOVING through a fairly unique finish. Props to the refs for acknowledging the sophistication of the exchange.
I actually think that the referee allowed reaction time (maybe a bit much) on the replay. Still photo says control, but continuing action shows boom-boom to me. I could see it being called either way. I probably would have said 2 TD-2R and stuck with that.
I actually think that the referee allowed reaction time (maybe a bit much) on the replay. Still photo says control, but continuing action shows boom-boom to me. I could see it being called either way. I probably would have said 2 TD-2R and stuck with that.
Part of the reading this exchange got so much attention is that it was pretty much the only one of the match. Can't help wondering how much more actual attacke couter attacks and re attacks would have gone down in a Hall v Realbuto final. Sigh
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Ryan is an excellent recruiter and coach, but his skills at post match commentary are underdeveloped. He needs to learn to think before speaking. His averge official long bus ride comment is now wrestling classic material and the control tweet will forever be associated with "whiney cry baby" punch lines.

Coach Ryan wold be farther ahead teaching his kids that when involved in a tight match in the third period instead of clamping onto an ear-to-ear tie up and driving forward looking for a stall call it is better to be the guy wresting to win. You know, the one who actually shoots for and scores a winning takedown.

Just saying.
Ryan is an excellent recruiter and coach, but his skills at post match commentary are underdeveloped. He needs to learn to think before speaking. His averge official long bus ride comment is now wrestling classic material and the control tweet will forever be associated with "whiney cry baby" punch lines.

Coach Ryan wold be farther ahead teaching his kids that when involved in a tight match in the third period instead of clamping onto an ear-to-ear tie up and driving forward looking for a stall call it is better to be the guy wresting to win. You know, the one who actually shoots for aND scores a winning takedown.

Just saying.
Wrestling to win???? Is that like having your healthy son medically default his first match of the B1G's so he is fresher in the consolation bracket? Nothing says winning better than the best you can do is 3rd place son.
Wrestling to win???? Is that like having your healthy son medically default his first match of the B1G's so he is fresher in the consolation bracket? Nothing says winning better than the best you can do is 3rd place son.
I think we all misinterpreted that move. Coach Ryan's main concern in having his own son intentionally drop down into the consolation rounds was to guarantee that come hell or high water his son would in no way snap on a head gear and face that meanie from Penn State.
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Ryan is an excellent recruiter and coach, but his skills at post match commentary are underdeveloped. He needs to learn to think before speaking. His averge official long bus ride comment is now wrestling classic material and the control tweet will forever be associated with "whiney cry baby" punch lines.

Coach Ryan wold be farther ahead teaching his kids that when involved in a tight match in the third period instead of clamping onto an ear-to-ear tie up and driving forward looking for a stall call it is better to be the guy wresting to win. You know, the one who actually shoots for and scores a winning takedown.

Just saying.
Yeah what he said
As for Roar's last paragraph, given his status as the "Eminence Grise" of this board and surely the most sober and mature member among us, his criticism of Tom Ryan is roughly equivalent to one of our meme/gif-filled bitch slaps. That is, Roar just figuratively launched himself from the top rope.

I like it.

Most --> only.

Might try a nice red tonight...
1 glass limit!!
I know you're joking, by the rolling eyes emoticon...but there is some truth to what's being said. That specific call could have gone either way with the current rules (or lack of), AND then there's the whole checking-your-own-work thing.

I won't judge whether it was called right/wrong, because that position is not shown in the rulebook. I'm just saying it's a tough spot to put a referee in.

With all due respect to Mr. Ryan...he's in a position of responsibility and authority, and was seriously lacking in his leadership skills when he took to twitter like he did. Came across petty and whiny to me. He can be a conduit for change, behind the scenes, and be more positive with his tweets.

Roar I respect your opinion and your outstanding contributions to this forum as much as any other poster, and I agree with you, but I think Mr. Ryan would be better served if he would just keep his post-match opinions off twitter altogether.
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Roar I respect your opinion and your outstanding contributions to this forum as much as any other poster, and I agree with you, but I think Mr. Ryan would be better served if he would just keep his post-match opinions off twitter altogether.
When in doubt instead of set your twitter free it is better to just go twitter free.