He's brought up the idea of ruling with an "iron fist" on more than a few occasions. How is this something that any sane or decent person would be fine with? If President had given speeches about how smart Bashar al-Assad or Ahmanidejad were for ruling with an iron fist the GQP would have rightly been infuriated. American presidents are supposed to support democracy but the horrors of seeing one gush over these guys 2017-2021 is something that should scare the hell out of people. I asked the question before and couldn't get a straight answer but I'll ask it again- What form of government does the GQP want? Is an authoritarian state the goal? Do you want to see journalists and political adversaries killed/put in prison even though they haven't committed a crime? Should elections be rigged so that even if someone loses they get to stay in power?
Oh and before you start crying about how it's actually the Biden administration who is doing these things take a look at this. The former guy was the one who was calling on the DOJ to lock up his opponents, not President Biden. We all know that evidence doesn't matter in GQP world so it's not surprising that he wanted everybody locked up even though they hadn't committed any crimes.
Trump compliments 'fierce' and 'smart' Putin and applauds Xi Jinping for ruling China with an 'iron fist'
Speaking at a rally in Pennsylvania on Saturday, former President Donald Trump praised Chinese leader Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Oh and before you start crying about how it's actually the Biden administration who is doing these things take a look at this. The former guy was the one who was calling on the DOJ to lock up his opponents, not President Biden. We all know that evidence doesn't matter in GQP world so it's not surprising that he wanted everybody locked up even though they hadn't committed any crimes.
‘Where are all of the arrests?’: Trump demands Barr lock up his foes
The day-long run of tweets and retweets marked the most frantic stretch of Trump’s public activity since he left Walter Reed.