How Liberals Pay Off Their Bimbos


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Gold Member
Aug 20, 2003
LOL.... I always get a kick out of lefties faux indignation of Trump's, "grab them by the pussy" remark..... It's like they pretend their side doesn't jerk off in potted plants or send texts to 15 year old girls.

How could Trump not have known this?! Duh. Just look at the precedents.

When Bill Clinton ran for president in 1992, his campaign hired a sleazy private detective, Jack Palladino, to threaten journalists and private individuals in order to prevent voters from finding out about the horny hick's legion of sexual conquests and sexual assaults -- or "bimbo eruptions," as campaign aide Betsey Wright charmingly put it.

The smear merchant was first hired after singer Gennifer Flowers told a tabloid she'd had a lengthy affair with Clinton. Palladino wrote a memo to the campaign, promising to impugn her "character and veracity until she is destroyed beyond all recognition."

Clinton campaign: SOLD! (By the by, Clinton would eventually admit to having sex with Flowers.)

Then in 2008, presidential candidate John Edwards hit up a couple of well-heeled donors for more than a million dollars to hide his yearlong affair with Rielle Hunter and their resulting "love child."

To keep Hunter happy (and hidden) throughout his run, the campaign gave her "cash, luxury hotels, private jets rides and a $20,000-a-month rental mansion in Santa Barbara, California" -- as summarized by The Guardian. (Even lefty publications in the U.K. are more honest than the American media.)

All these goodies were paid for by heiress Rachel "Bunny" Mellon, who gave the Edwards campaign $725,000 -- laundered through a North Carolina interior decorator -- and Texas lawyer Fred Baron, who gave the campaign $400,000.

As any of you campaign finance buffs know, $725,000 and $400,000 exceed the federal limit for campaign donations by about a half-million dollars apiece. (The limit was $2,300 in 2008.)

With Hunter squirreled away, Edwards orchestrated a massive cover-up, repeatedly denying the affair, only "confessing" after he was caught red-handed -- but still insisting that it was "not possible" that he was the father of Hunter's child. He even asked his campaign aide, Andrew Young, to cop to being the child's true father, although he was married, too. (And you thought Michael Cohen was loyal!)

In July 2008, the National Enquirer caught Edwards sneaking into the Beverly Hilton to see his mistress and love child -- complete with photos of him holding his daughter. After spending about six hours alone with them, he tried to sneak out through the basement at 2:40 a.m., whereupon he encountered Enquirer reporters. He ran back and forth but was continuously confronted by reporters, so he ducked into a hotel restroom and remained there for 15 minutes, until hotel security rescued him.

Maybe I don't have a nose for news, but that sounds like a pretty good story to me. There was even a sex tape. Top that, Stormy! The Times did not breathe a word of it to readers.
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