Based upon Exit Poll data and election night reporting..,
Rust belt working class men and women made enormous switches to Trump, including Union workers throughout northern rust belt states like Mich, PA, OH, Wisc and others.
Trump had small but his biggest racial bumps from Black, Hispanic and Asian men.
All of that helped to deliver Wisconsin, Iowa and PA, which was a first since 1988.
Mich will likely go Trump too which hasn't happened since 1984
Trump tapped into Reagan Democrats
How Trump won election per exit polls
Turns out Trump's overall white vote was about the same as Romney, but
Trump's women support was stable, right between McCain and Romney, all over a narrow range.
But where Trump really shined was among men.
Looks like Trumps win was based upon grabbing huge amounts of Union and working class men, who want more US based private sector jobs.
50% of Union votes went to Trump in Ohio. Likely private sector Union workers who got screwed by anti-American Democrat Party policies, that are trying to destroy America from within and destroy US sovereignty via Open Borders.
Rust belt working class men and women made enormous switches to Trump, including Union workers throughout northern rust belt states like Mich, PA, OH, Wisc and others.
Trump had small but his biggest racial bumps from Black, Hispanic and Asian men.
All of that helped to deliver Wisconsin, Iowa and PA, which was a first since 1988.
Mich will likely go Trump too which hasn't happened since 1984
Trump tapped into Reagan Democrats
How Trump won election per exit polls
Turns out Trump's overall white vote was about the same as Romney, but
Trumps biggest % gains
by race vs Romney were from
Blacks, Hispanics and the biggest jump was Asians.
by race vs Romney were from
Blacks, Hispanics and the biggest jump was Asians.
Trump's women support was stable, right between McCain and Romney, all over a narrow range.
But where Trump really shined was among men.
Looks like Trumps win was based upon grabbing huge amounts of Union and working class men, who want more US based private sector jobs.
50% of Union votes went to Trump in Ohio. Likely private sector Union workers who got screwed by anti-American Democrat Party policies, that are trying to destroy America from within and destroy US sovereignty via Open Borders.