How to purchase a gift subscription to BWI/RIVALS


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2009
I would like to purchase a gift subscription for my son's birthday. I have tried doing it on this forum but it appears that it would go to me since I am signed in to the forum. Also, I am unsure if Rivals is another entity.

Any help would be appreciated!
Can you clarify what you are seeking?

Are you looking to purchase a subscription to the BWI print magazine? Are you trying to purchase a Premium Ticket subscription to BWI's web site? Or, are you trying to purchase something else?
I'm not sure what is available. if the premium web site has more content that would be the best option. I was trying to do it on line but was concerned that it would be limited to my computer since I appear to be automatically signed in when I try to purchase through the web BWI web site.